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Topic: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux... (Read 11030 times) previous topic - next topic
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USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Hello again everyone, I just moved 3 of my PC's over to Artix Linux & I can't seem to make my USB HDD load... Strange?
Gparted is picking up a /dev/sdb, but its not wanting to load it on either PC.. I am going to try my best to explain the symptoms I see in hopes of someone recognizing this problem.
gparted just hangs at "Searching /dev/sdb partitions" for a couple minutes, then finally loads but I can't see it in pcmanfm to access the files on it.. Any ideas? I'm going to attempt to add it to /etc/fstab to see what happens.

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #1
I can only see /dev/sdb, I can't see a /dev/sdb1 in gparted... Very odd. Am I missing something in order to load USB drives?
Ahh, I typed: sudo mount /dev/sdb ~/Mounted/twotera/ 
and now I can see my USB drive, yay! But this still leaves the question: why are USB drives not automatically loading up? What can I do to make this work as I'd like it to?

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #2
I can't seem to blkid it either, so I can't quite add it to my /etc/fstab as I'd like to do, as I use this thing for a in-house file-server

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #3
I can't seem to blkid it either, so I can't quite add it to my /etc/fstab as I'd like to do, as I use this thing for a in-house file-server
Make sure these entries are in groups these entries are in groups uucp:x:14: user name   adbusers:x:996:user name  storage:x:95:user name

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #4
...? I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're saying O.o entries in groups?

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #5
Too lazy to explain : 

Code: [Select]
[localhost ᒤᕞᕹᓸ]# pacman -Sii thunar
Repository      : extra
Name            : thunar
Version         : 1.6.12-1
Description     : Modern file manager for Xfce
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL2  LGPL2.1
Groups          : xfce4
Provides        : None
Depends On      : desktop-file-utils  libexif  hicolor-icon-theme  libnotify  libgudev  gtk2  exo  libxfce4util  libxfce4ui  libpng
Optional Deps   : gvfs: for trash support, mounting with udisk and remote filesystems
                  xfce4-panel: for trash applet
                  tumbler: for thumbnail previews
                  thunar-volman: manages removable devices
                  thunar-archive-plugin: create and deflate archives
                  thunar-media-tags-plugin: view/edit id3/ogg tags
Required By     : thunar-archive-plugin  thunar-media-tags-plugin  thunar-volman  xfdesktop
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 880.70 KiB
Installed Size  : 5166.00 KiB
Packager        : Evangelos Foutras <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Friday 30 June 2017 06:31:04 PM CDT
MD5 Sum         : d15011a04885956b9cb0978d2bc18010
SHA-256 Sum     : b1d908f0e7ab91420ac566b75d24fbe1621bfbaf5c4bd193507c9fe0df719e16
Signatures      : 51E8B148A9999C34
Thunar needs gvfs for mounting support, as it is listed under optional dependancies. Same with pcmanfm. Dolphin's support is run through the underlying kde packages necessary to intall any kde program/app. 

Gnome lets you choose and pick what you want/need. Kde is a whole package that shares its resources/support through its base. Difference in philosophies. /shrug

Here is a list of gvfs optional packages:
Code: [Select]
[localhost ᒤᕞᕹᓸ]# pacman -Ss gvfs
extra/gvfs 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO
extra/gvfs-afc 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (AFC backend; Apple mobile devices)
extra/gvfs-goa 1.34.1-1 (gnome)
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Gnome Online Accounts backend; cloud storage)
extra/gvfs-google 1.34.1-1 (gnome)
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Google Drive backend)
extra/gvfs-gphoto2 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (gphoto2 backend; PTP camera, MTP media player)
extra/gvfs-mtp 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (MTP backend; Android, media player)
extra/gvfs-nfs 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (NFS backend)
extra/gvfs-smb 1.34.1-1 (gnome) [installed]
    Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (SMB/CIFS backend; Windows client)
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #6
...? I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're saying O.o entries in groups?

Look at /etc/group

You'll see entries such as
Code: [Select]

If you user name is kenny_w and you make all groups be like

Code: [Select]

you will be just like root.  But don't do that, make yourself able to just access what you need.  To decide on this you have to look and research each case individually.
For example cups is a server for printing, if you want the use to be able to install and configure printers it is a good idea.  Since the user is more exposed to the WAN if one gets access to the user they have admin rights.  So there is a balance between convenience and risk. 

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #7
What do the entries do exactly? I'm really confused with this. sorry. I'm not the most tech-savvy user.. :S I feel really lost with all of this.

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #8
You can't learn everything in one day and you can't learn it all from asking forum questions.  You must do some reading.
Searching for /etc/group /etc/sudoers etc. may answer some questions.

Above you wrote that you see /dev/sdb but can't see /dev/sdb1 on gparted.  Chances are that if gparted can not see it, it does not exist.  sdb then is an unformatted drive without any partitioning.  Even if it was encrypted it would appear as an encrypted volume.  Are you sure your sdb is formatted/partitioned?

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #9
What do the entries do exactly? I'm really confused with this. sorry. I'm not the most tech-savvy user.. :S I feel really lost with all of this.
Groups give rights to the user take LP it gives  the named user  the rights to setup and use a printer. the reason is simple say somebody uses your machine and abuses your paper stock by writing a novel you remove them from that group problem solved
You need to read the arch Wiki  The thing is you will get answers aimed at intermediate users on this forum not for new users. In no way am i trying to discourage anybody we all had to start somewhere. I did straight into Arch so I read the wiki and the forums to afraid to ask, found found the answers I needed 15 years on well I'm still here.

To be honest if you don't know anything you really need to learn as you will just struggle to get anywhere fast 

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #10
Thank you mandog. I started using Arch/Manjaro about a year ago casually, but I never used OpenRC before, it was always SystemD, so some of these things get me confused. I added the missing things from the /etc/group, so it looks like USB's are coming up now when they are plugged in. I'm trying to make a startup script for proftpd right now if any of you would like to assist me on it:
I have read quite a few wikis, but never the group_management one. I am bookmarking all of this stuff so I can look back at it for future reference. Thank you everyone for your help, its greatly appreciated!!

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #11
Manjaro is a good start for Arch based systems but its biggest failure is it does not teach users to help them selves unfortunately.

Some Distros are really into security others into user friendly, One reason why Windows is vulnerable is it lets the user decide so 95% of users use the administrator account instead of a user account. A good Distro in my mind in today's insecure world  needs to find a balance between the two.  This is why Openrc runit etc  came about the old saying "never put all your eggs in one basket"  I'm not a systemd slater in any way but for me its taking over to much of the system for my liking that makes it a prime target for attack.
I'm glad that problem is solved for you   

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #12
Ohh, so the USBs come up when plugged in & that's awesome, but I still can't get the UUID for /dev/sdb1
I think Artix isn't recognizing part of the FAT drive.. Its like... I can add /dev/sdb to /etc/fstab & it'll mount up where I want it to, but unfortunately I still can't sudo blkid /dev/sdb1, I can only do sudo blkid /dev/sdb.. Need to be able to /dev/sdb1 in order to get the proper UUID in order so that I can make a proper entry in /etc/fstab, so that way it doesn't just take the first USB drive plugged in as /dev/sdb.

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #13
. I'm glad that problem is solved for you   

I'm terribly sorry for my misleading post just above your reply mandog, but I still can't sudo blkid /dev/sdb1
I forgot about that part of it. Why isn't Artix recognizing the FAT filesystem partitions?

Re: USB HDD not loading on either computer with Artix Linux...

Reply #14
Don't think you load partitions in fstab if you load the disk the partition should be seen.
Have you exfat-utils installed?