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Topic: [Solved] Artix XFCE Wrong colors on some windows (Read 993 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Solved] Artix XFCE Wrong colors on some windows


I tested Artix for a year on VirtualBox before installing it on three PCs.

On the XFCE version, I noticed that some windows show wrong colors when I choose the Adwaita theme.

For example in some configuration windows such as Gimp preferences, the text appears black on a black background, and Gimp's System theme looks the same ...

Ditto for Dolphin, which I add to XFCE4, the icons background is black instead of light gray, with black text :-/
To work around, you have to edit ~/.config/kdeglobals and modify modify:
[Colors: View]
BackgroundNormal = 220,220,220

Finally, I found a "nag" type solution: Reinstall all the packages present.
sudo pacman -S $ (pacman -Qnq)

After this "cure", all the colors are correct everywhere ... on condition of commenting in / etc / environment the two lines:

Re: [Solved] Artix XFCE Wrong colors on some windows

Reply #1
Hi @tintin

Actually the only necessary line at /etc/environment, after setting the theme with qt5ct is
Code: [Select]


Re: [Solved] Artix XFCE Wrong colors on some windows

Reply #2
Hi @tintin

Actually the only necessary line at /etc/environment, after setting the theme with qt5ct is
Code: [Select]

That's right, I just tested!
Thank you !

Code: [Select]
jp-artix:[jp]:~$ neofetch
                   '                      jp@jp-artix
                  'o'                     -----------
                 'ooo'                    OS: Artix Linux x86_64
                'ooxoo'                   Kernel: 5.10.4-artix2-1
               'ooxxxoo'                  Uptime: 1 hour, 45 mins
              'oookkxxoo'                 Packages: 1258 (pacman)
             'oiioxkkxxoo'                Shell: bash 5.1.4
            ':;:iiiioxxxoo'               Resolution: 1920x1080
               `'.;::ioxxoo'              DE: Xfce
          '-.      `':;jiooo'             WM: Xfwm4
         'oooio-..     `'i:io'            WM Theme: Daloa
        'ooooxxxxoio:,.   `'-;'           Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
       'ooooxxxxxkkxoooIi:-.  `'          Icons: oxygen [GTK2], matefaenzadark 
      'ooooxxxxxkkkkxoiiiiiji'            Terminal: xfce4-terminal
     'ooooxxxxxkxxoiiii:'`     .i'        Terminal Font: Roboto Mono 14
    'ooooxxxxxoi:::'`       .;ioxo'       CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 (12) @ 3.600GHz
   'ooooxooi::'`         .:iiixkxxo'      GPU: AMD ATI Radeon 540/540X/550/550X
  'ooooi:'`                `'';ioxxo'     Memory: 1609MiB / 16001MiB