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Topic: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running? (Read 4233 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #15
dmesg     -
ip link list -
lspci         -
lsusb        -

Interesting... ok... thanks a lot for the help from everyone in this thread. I guess as arch gets more mainstream you'll have more people like me turning up : )... oh well.

I have to go pick up the kids and do Dad stuff, but I will look at this tomorrow when I am pretending to work in my office!

Thanks again... (hopefully less spam tomorrow and just a solution post!)

you still use breoadcom-wl driver, but this driver ended in error, say dmesg. please uninstall it (pacman -R or -Rcs broadcom-wl), reboot and after reboot
Code: [Select]
modprobe brcmfmac

and send new lsmod and dmesg logs

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #16
uninstall it (pacman -R or -Rcs broadcom-wl), reboot and after reboot
Code: [Select]
modprobe brcmfmac

I already tried these commands
Code: [Select]
sudo rmmod wl
sudo modprobe brcmfmac
sudo sv restart NetworkManager

reboot and send new lsmod and dmesg logs

but evey time you reboot it resets as it is a live iso.. not an actual install? Or is there enough in the live iso for me to install without the net at all? Then once I have a base system booted I can do all this kind of stuff?

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #17
I already tried these commands
Code: [Select]
sudo rmmod wl
sudo modprobe brcmfmac
sudo sv restart NetworkManager

but evey time you reboot it resets as it is a live iso.. not an actual install? Or is there enough in the live iso for me to install without the net at all? Then once I have a base system booted I can do all this kind of stuff?

WHAT??  why don't you wrote it right at the beginning that you're slapping in live ISO? incredibly!!
you don't have a system installed  ::)  of course live iso will be resets.... it depends on which ISO you use. normally it should be possible to install without the internet

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #18
WHAT??  why don't you wrote it right at the beginning that you're slapping in live ISO? incredibly!!
you don't have a system installed  ::)  of course live iso will be resets.... it depends on which ISO you use. normally it should be possible to install without the internet

um... I did.. like a bunch of times.. in the OP and then like a few posts after that.... sorry that was not clear...

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #19
I assume you still have a system (linux) installed. so boot it and see which driver it uses. The instructions on how to find out are above.

this is the easiest way to migrate to another OS ;-)

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #20
Man... I thought I had this... but then it failed for me... but maybe you guys know what to do next....

Basically I got a older iso... instead of the weekly... and this only seemed to work on the console iso as well but when I logged it the OS seemed to have recognised my wlan0!

then the problems started... I couldn't see it in the rfkill list...

I tried to initialise it anyway... can someone please check my commands (might be minor miss spelling as I do not have bash auto complete!)

Code: [Select]
> wpa_passphrase <SSID> <PASSWORD> >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.cong
> wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0  -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.cong

but there is no successful message.. instead I get all sorta of crap... but I forgot to photo it.. After posting this I am going to go back and take a photo, log back into windows and edit this post.

I also tried just trying

Code: [Select]
rfkill unblock all

But this did all sorts of strange stuff and kinda stopped here

Also side note... sv restart dhcpcd fails....

- EDIT -

Note that phy0 says "wireless" so I thought... meh.. why not! and this happened.. so I did the command again with wlan0....

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #21
why do you always want to go the hardest way?

so easy to install new system:
download ISO with some Desktop Enviroment
booting live ISO
I'll see if everything works, which driver are needed, etc.
I'll set up a network
I will install a new system (using instalator)
I will set up a new system (using wiki archlinux's and artix's wiki)
reboot it to a new system...done

so easy!  8)
no, we will be slapping on the spot for a week due to the unset wifi card.  ::)  ;)

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #22
The networking dose not work in the desktop one I tried.. But your right I normally do it off a terminal prompt.... I'll download and try all the different desktops.. See if any work.

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #23

I've tested all of these now... none of them have working networking for me.

I'll try again with a selection of the weeklies... and I think just for fun I'll do the other versions.. openrdc and s6. Just in case... I am not holding out hope.

It frustrates me as the base arch linux just works... as dose void and Nix, the ubuntus... it is just teh arch versions like Arco, Atrix, Manjaro that do not seem to work for some reason : (

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #24
why do you always want to go the hardest way?

so easy to install new system:
download ISO with some Desktop Enviroment
booting live ISO
I'll see if everything works, which driver are needed, etc.
I'll set up a network
I will install a new system (using instalator)
I will set up a new system (using wiki archlinux's and artix's wiki)
reboot it to a new system...done

so easy!  8)
no, we will be slapping on the spot for a week due to the unset wifi card.  ::)  ;)

wait maybe I didn't understand.. are you saying to install it with out internet and then get the wifi working on a live system?

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #25
wait maybe I didn't understand.. are you saying to install it with out internet and then get the wifi working on a live system?
i said boot to live ISO, set up Wifi, (that you will be have internet connection), and first after install.

Can you have internet connection without your Bradcom wifi card? If not, better set up wifi in live iso first.  ISO with DE have mostly networkmanager, wchich make all easier.


I've tested all of these now... none of them have working networking for me.

without providing any logs we only could use a crystal ball to help you…

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #26
I'm almost there.. I can get an install running by using the install script from a desktop iso and just not caring about the internet... Then I can install my drivers using the info in this thread and upgrade.

I would still like to have my minimal install though.

How do I do a no internet minimal install from the base iso or from a desktop iso. basestrap hangs trying to access the mirrors I did try with - Uc, and variants of that.

TL;DR : how do you do a minimal install with no internet?

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #27
Don't know for sure in this instance, but if you need extra drivers in the ISO you might be able install them in the ISO, put the package binary on another USB, mount it and use pacman -U or even unpack it and stick them in the right dir yourself, and then probably manually run # depmod -a  but obviously they won't be there again if you reboot it, you're only installing to the ISO ramdisk. Perhaps you need extra firmware for Broadcom too.

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #28
Don't know for sure in this instance, but if you need extra drivers in the ISO you might be able install them in the ISO, put the package binary on another USB, mount it and use pacman -U or even unpack it and stick them in the right dir yourself, and then probably manually run # depmod -a  but obviously they won't be there again if you reboot it, you're only installing to the ISO ramdisk. Perhaps you need extra firmware for Broadcom too.
I'll try that, thanks.. but I would settle to know how to install the base version without internet like I can from the desktop versions.

I kinda tried something like this...

  • sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #29
i don't know, if i want help you, if you ignore me :D :D

but your driver should be brcmfmac and firmware is in  linux-firmware  8)  we need just verify it. but you want play unconditionally  with b43 :D

as i wrote you before, boot to new instance of ISO,
Code: [Select]
lspci -v
which driver is used? (probably wl, but we need brcmfmac)
last dmesg show, your driver wl from package broadcom-wl does not works and is very restricted,
Code: [Select]
modprobe -r wl

Code: [Select]
modprobe brcmfmac
after again
Code: [Select]
lspci -v
Code: [Select]
rfkill list | grep Wireless

Code: [Select]