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Topic: Boot Error after Update (Read 721 times) previous topic - next topic
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Boot Error after Update

i have update my s6 install and get after some minutes a black screen

try to boot and i get following message

who can help me

thank you

Re: Boot Error after Update

Reply #1
Something isn't right here. Your dmesg is failing along with some other daemons are failing because it can't set the directives variable which should be in the conf file provided with s6-scripts. What are the contents of your /etc/s6/sv/dmesg/up file?

Re: Boot Error after Update

Reply #2
see in screenshot

Re: Boot Error after Update

Reply #3
Looks right. Do you have a /etc/s6/sv/dmesg/conf file? That would explain why DIRECTIVES is failing for you. Another possibility is that maybe your /var/log/dmesg folder isn't owned by s6log?

Re: Boot Error after Update

Reply #4
I know it isn't the most helpful thing, but I too experienced this issue. When I attempted to chroot in using an artix live usb and update/upgrade with pacman I became aware that I also could not reach any remote host - not sure if it is related. I ran into the same issue on a fresh install after performing the update involving opensysfiles/opentempfiles. In my case, too, it was an issue with directives not being found. If there is any useful information I can provide, please let me know.

Re: Boot Error after Update

Reply #5
I used chroot from another system (with internet) and updated with Pacman a few days ago

The problem is solved

the s6-rc package has been updated

maybe that was the mistake

thanks for help