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Topic: How to remove connmand? (Read 1886 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to remove connmand?

OK, I am enjoying Artix, but connmand is a freaking nightmare. I am literally ready to put a Windows server on just so I can do basic tasks which work in Gentoo, PCLinuxOS, and others that I use. Simple things like a static address are impossible with this thing pulling DHCP. Using dnsmasq is impossible because connmand eats port 53. Is this a systemd product?

First, I cannot assign a static-only address to the NIC.
Code: [Select]
2: enp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,DYNAMIC,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether e0:69:95:9a:36:d9 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global enp3s0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet brd scope global secondary enp3s0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 2603:6080:800c:7500:e269:95ff:fe9a:36d9/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr
       valid_lft 604795sec preferred_lft 604795sec
    inet6 2606:a000:5193:f500:e269:95ff:fe9a:36d9/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr
       valid_lft 526680sec preferred_lft 526680sec
    inet6 fe80::e269:95ff:fe9a:36d9/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
How is it pulling the address ending in .3? The static is .201 but I do not want any other addresses on this server. I configured it as a static.
Code: [Select]
routes_enp3s0="default via"
Next, I am trying to setup a local DNS server via dnsmasq, but connmand is using port 53. I have dnsmasq ready to go but cannot figure out what to do here. This seems like systemd, just a piece of software keeping my system from operating correctly. Can I just remove this bloat I did not ask for? I can manually enter iptables rules by hand if this thing is supposed to be a firewall.

I guess what I am asking is how I migrate connmand off of my system without breaking things. I know I can do "pacman -R connmand-openrc connmand", but will that break anything?
-The Great Sephiroth

Re: How to remove connmand?

Reply #1
you mean probably
Code: [Select]
pacman -Rcs connman-openrc connman
It will break nothing. You can install networkmanager instead or configure all manually.

Re: How to remove connmand?

Reply #2
Awesome. I am always leary of removing things that come with an OS. This is why I prefer a bare minimum installation, like Gentoo offers. Will do this tonight and hope it all works.

After removing connmand do I need to do anything special to make sure the NIC comes up with the specified static configuration?
-The Great Sephiroth

Re: How to remove connmand?

Reply #3
Awesome. I am always leary of removing things that come with an OS. This is why I prefer a bare minimum installation, like Gentoo offers. Will do this tonight and hope it all works.

After removing connmand do I need to do anything special to make sure the NIC comes up with the specified static configuration?
i dont know how your net is configured. I recommend first install networkmager (inclusive his service -openrc or -runit or -s6), run it, set all what is necessary for having Internet and after uninstall connman (and his service).

Re: How to remove connmand?

Reply #4
I don't run NM on servers which are shell-only. I use netifrc on Gentoo and a static config. I assume the same thing works here?
-The Great Sephiroth

Re: How to remove connmand?

Reply #5
Yes,  it's should world here too, you must probably compile it manually. I don't know now, if artix provide it or not.
EDIT: yes, we have it in our core, so all should works for you with netifrc as in Gentoo

Re: How to remove connmand?

Reply #7
I did read the wiki, but the problem is that it never once mentions connmand, which has been causing all kinds of issues. The wiki should mention how to get rid of connmand if using NM or netifrc, in my opinion.
-The Great Sephiroth

Re: How to remove connmand?

Reply #8
I did read the wiki, but the problem is that it never once mentions connmand, which has been causing all kinds of issues. The wiki should mention how to get rid of connmand if using NM or netifrc, in my opinion.
not all ISO's have connman as default network manager (f.e. KDE have networkmanager as default network manager)

Re: How to remove connmand?

Reply #9
Is there a base install (shell-only) without connmand? I intend to use Artix exclusively for servers. I use PCLinuxOS for workstations, except mine. I run Gentoo.

Also, removing connmand completely changed the system. Everything works now. Network speeds are better. We have our tiny DNS server. We are happy!
-The Great Sephiroth

Re: How to remove connmand?

Reply #10
Is there a base install (shell-only) without connmand? I intend to use Artix exclusively for servers. I use PCLinuxOS for workstations, except mine. I run Gentoo.

Also, removing connmand completely changed the system. Everything works now. Network speeds are better. We have our tiny DNS server. We are happy!

You may check the base install iso. It's similar to  Arch install image (except for the systemd part of coz).

Check the wiki here