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Topic: [SOLVED] Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6 (Read 953 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6

After a fresh install exactly following the Wiki, I am still unable to start the s6 version of Artix. the runit version, installed in the exact same way, runs perfectly fine.

After starting, it shows the following message and keeps looping. Switching to other tty doesn't help, they all have a black screen with no login prompt. Pressing the power button does nothing. Only thing left to do is to pull the cord

i.e. the looping output is of two lines -
Code: [Select]
install: cannot change owner and permissions of '/var/log/udevd': No such file or directory
s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /var/log/udevd: Read-only file system

Any help would be appreciated :)

Re: Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6

Reply #1
It's that installed from weekly ISO or stable ISO?

Probably s6 ISO have a bug and works not right.

 Keep working (runit) installation .

Re: Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6

Reply #3
It's that installed from weekly ISO or stable ISO?
I am using the stable ISO
Probably s6 ISO have a bug and works not right.
@alium Not true. I used that same ISO to install runit, and it works perfectly fine  :D

Is /var a separate partition?
@nous No, it isn't.... Should it be? I dindn't see that in the Installation instructions in the Wiki.....

Re: Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6

Reply #4
@Dudemanguy I think you maintain s6? Is there any bug in the stable ISO?

Re: Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6

Reply #6
Your filesystems are mounted as read-only for some reason and the remount-root fallback appears to not be working.

Re: Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6

Reply #7
@Dudemanguy So it seems.... Any tips to check what's causing it and/or how to fix it?

As I said, it should be something related to s6.... Because the runit installation installed in the exact same way works perfectly fine..

Re: Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6

Reply #8
I have no idea why your partitions are mounted as read-only but I can fix remount-root which should make this work correctly.

Re: Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6

Reply #9
@Dudemanguy Thanks very much! Do I need to add new repos (e.g. gremlins) to the mirrorlist to get the fix? Or will it also be fixed in the normal repos (i.e. galaxy, etc..)

Re: Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6

Reply #10
Well right now it's in gremlins (s6-scripts), but I'll push it to system in a while.

Re: Unable to start freshly-installed Artix s6

Reply #11
@Dudemanguy Just updated from gremlins. Issue fixed! Thanks!

Actually, it was an error in the fstab UUID. The update changed something that properly showed the error, and also allowed to login throught different tty. Great!!