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Topic: I accidentally removed whiskermenu-1.rc (Read 595 times) previous topic - next topic
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I accidentally removed whiskermenu-1.rc

SOLVED: I think I didn't do anything wrong, just wrong time wrong place. Xfce 4.16 came then I thought I broke something xD
Don't ask me how I did, long story. Now everything looks weird. My favorites are gone. Isn't there a spare config file?

Better yet, can someone pls send me that file as text, its totally text anyway. I'd incorrect it by hand.

Re: I accidentally removed whiskermenu-1.rc

Reply #1
Looks like if you delete / move it and rebooted you'd get a new default one auto - generated. Or delete / move and restart the panel:

Or failing that there are some on GitHub from various projects e.g.:

If you back up with fsync or something now and again to another drive then it's less of a problem to recover your config when this kind of thing happens! Still, good practice to redo it no doubt.  ;D

Re: I accidentally removed whiskermenu-1.rc

Reply #2
Better yet, can someone pls send me that file as text, its totally text anyway. I'd incorrect it by hand.
Get it from the presets package: