[SOLVED] texlive-bin requires to be built against latest poppler libs
pdflatex cannot find libpoppler.so.109 which is replaced by libpoppler.so.110 in last update.
temporarly this help me to continue working on my files:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libpoppler.so /usr/lib/libpoppler.so.109
Not related to libpoppler, but with texlive-bin 2020.54586-13 shipped dvisvgm (version 2.9.1) stop working, even I tried to build it from source (version 2.11.1), it sill throw the same error:
$ dvisvgm file.dvi -n
pre-processing DVI file (format version 2)
processing page 1
PostScript error: typecheck in setpattern
Operand stack:
Not sure what is the problem. any hints!