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Topic: [SOLVED] Re: Displaylink service (Read 1233 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Displaylink service
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[SOLVED] Re: Displaylink service

I am new on linux and my favorite linux is Artix lol ! Nice job !  :)
I have the same problem with Artix openrc ...

Indeed after installed evdi git and displaylink git
And after used command :

sudo modprobe udl

I am unable to find/start displaylink.service
I have tried command line as :

sudo rc-service displaylink start
sudo rc-service displaylink.service start

but Artix says :
rc-service: service `displaylink' does not exist
Any idea for a novice like me ^^?

Best regards,

Re: Re: Displaylink service

Reply #1
but Artix says :
rc-service: service `displaylink' does not exist

so, there is no such service in artixlinux. so you can write own runit script ;-) if you explore displaylink.service ( you can see, what is necessary for start :
Code: [Select]
ExecStartPre=/sbin/modprobe evdi

so ,  you need modprobe evdi and run /usr/lib/displaylink/DisplayLinkManager.
in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf you can add "evdi" in line modules=() for loading evdi module during boot,
and write your own script from scratch or use and modify some existing service (eg. PKGBUILD: runit service: ) for /usr/lib/displaylink/DisplayLinkManager.

I am no expert for runit,  but with some luck will that works without problems for first shot :-)

Re: Re: Displaylink service

Reply #2
You are the best !!! It works !!!  8)  8)  8)  8)
Wow very impressive help :) thanks !!

I just have to find a way to make it automatic at startup :

sudo modeprobe evdi
sudo rc-service /usr/lib/displaylink/DisplayLinkManager start

and all will be perfect ^^

Best regards,

Re: Re: Displaylink service

Reply #3
Finally I have created a file  dual_screen.start  with :

Code: [Select]
sleep 10s && modprobe evdi
rc-service /usr/lib/displaylink/DisplayLinkManager start &

into /etc/local.d

and all  works directly at startup :)

Now when I move my mouse I have my cursor blinking a little bit. I don't know why. But it is not important  if I don't fix it.

Thanks again !  8)

Re: Displaylink service

Reply #4
You can also add a custom service to /etc/init.d like:

Code: [Select]
       modprobe evdi
       start-stop-daemon --start --background --chdir /usr/lib/displaylink --make-pidfile --pidfile /run/ --exec /usr/lib/displaylink/DisplayLinkManager
Save it as displaylink in /etc/init.d and test with
Code: [Select]
openrc-run displaylink start
If it works correctly, you can register the service at startup using:
Code: [Select]
sudo rc-update add displaylink

Re: [SOLVED] Re: Displaylink service

Reply #5
I have been dealing with this same problem for ages, and can't get my displaylink to work. I am able to run
Code: [Select]
sudo modprobe evdi
just fine, but then when I try to start the DisplayManager it never works. I don't get a reaction.
And so I tried to make the script as mpieters95 replied but I get "displaylink: not a valid runlevel"

I am probably just a novice making stupid mistakes. Help would be very very greatly appriciated. Thanks!