[SOLVED] canberra-gtk-play failed no sound found
finally migrated just because i kinda like openrc now that i somewhat get it from setting up gentoo and installing it 300 times just to be comfortable, last week arch had an upgrade that made libcanberra not work(it was working before) so i decided to install artix which went easy until i had to activate a service(dhcpcd) at boot(didnt know artix had openrc-dhcpcd pkg)good thing i went to troubleshooting page.Now i posted in arch Linux forum yesterday and woke up again with no reply(as its a problem on arch and artix)https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=267184 i tend not to post on there cuz when i was a newer user they kinda bashed at me for not knowing(but how do you learn without asking questions)anyways hopefully you guys can help me out....
for some reason installing pulseaudio-alsal fixed the issue for some reason......trying to figure out why