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Topic: [SOLVED] Cannot update any package because of lib32-systemd (Read 1785 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Cannot update any package because of lib32-systemd

It's been a couple weeks since I've been unable to update anything using pacman -Syu. I used gremlins in the past for some reasons, went back to the standard libraries, it worked for some time but now it seems to have caused an issue.

I thought waiting out for the main libraries to catch up with gremlins would do but I'm starting to worry the issue is bigger than that.

Here's the result of
sudo pacman -Syu
(translated automatically from french)

Code: [Select]
error: transaction validation failed (file conflict)
/usr/lib32/pkgconfig/libsystemd.pc is present in both "lib32-elogind" and "lib32-systemd"
lib32-systemd: /usr/lib32/ is already present in the filesystem
lib32-systemd : /usr/lib32/ is already present in the filesystem (belonging to lib32-eudev)
lib32-systemd: /usr/lib32/ is already present in the file system (owned by lib32-eudev)
lib32-systemd: /usr/lib32/pkgconfig/libudev.pc is already present in the filesystem (belonging to lib32-eudev)
Errors occurred, no packages were updated

Re: Cannot update any package because of lib32-systemd

Reply #2
Thank you for the answer, I'm not trying to use systemd and don't understand where that comes from...

I'll read the links you gave and see if I find a fix, thanks again.

Re: Cannot update any package because of lib32-systemd

Reply #3
I had artix-archlinux-support already installed, but I receive no on-screen instruction when synching it with pacman and I can't run it (unknown command).
Is there something I'm doing wrong? How can I remove these Systemd libraries ?

Re: Cannot update any package because of lib32-systemd

Reply #4
I had artix-archlinux-support already installed, but I receive no on-screen instruction when synching it with pacman and I can't run it (unknown command).
Is there something I'm doing wrong? How can I remove these Systemd libraries ?

I removed Arch repositories from /etc/pacman.conf, now I can update the system using pacman -Syu, though I get the following errors :
Code: [Select]
resolve dependencies...
search for conflicts between packages...
error: transaction preparation failed (dependency satisfaction failed)
:: Installation of lib32-elogind (246.10-2) breaks the "lib32-systemd" dependency required by lib32-colord
:: lib32-elogind installation (246.10-2) breaks the "lib32-systemd" dependency required by lib32-gamemode
:: installing lib32-elogind (246.10-2) breaks the "lib32-systemd" dependency required by lib32-libnm
:: installing lib32-elogind (246.10-2) breaks the "lib32-systemd" dependency required by lib32-libpulse
:: installing lib32-elogind (246.10-2) breaks the "lib32-systemd" dependency required by lib32-libusb
:: installing lib32-elogind (246.10-2) breaks the "lib32-systemd" dependency required by lib32-pipewire

Translated with (free version)

Is there a way to clean these libraries without reinstalling Artix ?

Re: Cannot update any package because of lib32-systemd

Reply #6
You will have to install a relatively new package called lib32-artix-archlinux-support.
Its a new optional depend of the artix-archlinux-support.

[SOLVED] Re: Cannot update any package because of lib32-systemd

Reply #8
Thank you, installing lib32-artix-archlinux-support fixed everything it seems.
Marking it as solved, thank you everyone.