SOLVED - PCManFM desktop file "run as root" 14 August 2021, 16:06:49 Greetings!New to Artix - running Artix (with runit) in a VirtualBox. Really like it so far, even though Arch-related distros are new to me.I'm trying to create a desktop configuration (pcmanfm-root.desktop) file to allow me to open pcmanfm as root. Am having no luck.In a terminal, I can 'sudo pcmanfm', provide my password, and pcmanfm opens as root, so I know the functionality is there and works.I can't figure out the correct EXEC= line for the desktop file. I've tried various flavors of EXEC= lines beginning with "gksu" "gksudo" "sudo" and "pkexec pcmanfm", but no luck. When I used "pkexec pcmanfm", at least I get a message box showing my username and asking for my password. Whether I enter my user password or root password, I get an "incorrect password" message, and will get locked out after a couple more attempts.If pkexec is the right way to go, I suspect there are more files and scripts I need to create to make it work, but I have only found online help for this process for Ubuntu-style distros.Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Thanks. Last Edit: 21 August 2021, 17:03:20 by kevtardis
Re: PCManFM desktop file "run as root" Reply #1 – 20 August 2021, 09:42:34 There is an Archlabs forum thread on this subject if it is of any help to you: haven't tried it at all but it may help?
Re: SOLVED - PCManFM desktop file "run as root" Reply #2 – 21 August 2021, 17:05:53 Thanks Rayburn - that did the trick! I had seen the instructions on the lxde page before, but the supplementary info on the Archlabs forum thread got me through the confusing bits.Now on to experiment with Artix some more.