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Topic: Artix vs. Manjaro - stability, usability with KDE desktop (Read 3174 times) previous topic - next topic
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Artix vs. Manjaro - stability, usability with KDE desktop

maybe i missed it, but i looked at a pile of topics mentioning Manjaro and found not one that asks the question...

for thosE of you that have used Manjaro with the KDE DE, what can you tell me regarding the stability and usability when compared with Artix and KDE?

i've been playing a little bit with the bootable ISO and i like what i see so far, but i'd like to hear what more experienced users have to say...

Re: Artix vs. Manjaro - stability, usability with KDE desktop

Reply #1
I have never used Manjaro since they dropped OpenRC. So i can´t compare it with Artix. I´m running Artix KDE with OpenRC on a Ryzen/Nvidia machine nearly half a year and i can state it´s running like a charme.

Re: Artix vs. Manjaro - stability, usability with KDE desktop

Reply #2
I have been using Artix (runit) Plasma for almost eleven months. Before that, I used Manjaro for nine months.
I'll tell you what:
Artix works faster (on my computer (see my signature)).
The stability of the distribution depends on the timely correction of bugs, and here the developers are on top! - The stability of Artix is not worse than that of Manjaro.
I use Pamac to manage programs (well, I love the GUI).
Everything works perfectly without complaints.
Manjaro is heavily loaded with software. And it is not quite correct to compare the speed of a distribution with systemd with a distribution with openrc(runit). You can search for a web link to the Manjaro-openrc distribution from the community here on the forum.
i3-3210 / 10GB / VGA Intel HD 2500 / SSD 240GB / Arch Linux / Openbox / Ungoogled-Chromium

Re: Artix vs. Manjaro - stability, usability with KDE desktop

Reply #3
I think Manjaro is overhyped in many ways i'll admit i don't use  KDE, Gnome which should be problematic on Artix runs pretty sweet, as does XFCE, Cinnamon, Openbox, so i can' see KDE being any different by the way i'm a long time Artix user.

Re: Artix vs. Manjaro - stability, usability with KDE desktop

Reply #4
Plasma runs just fine, it did with manjaro-openrc, right?

Now you have no manjaro, no funny branch concept, but just artix, which is arch without systemd.
Note, this is not manjaro concept, it does not do handholding or nanny the user, who is in charge and regarded adult grown up.

Re: Artix vs. Manjaro - stability, usability with KDE desktop

Reply #5
I'm using Artix, with KDE/Plasma, since the first release and its very stable: no problems and I installed it also for some customers, only for the smart one.
They learnt to read the forum and to manage a weekly update: all more than satisfied.

Re: Artix vs. Manjaro - stability, usability with KDE desktop

Reply #6
Artix is built upon the necessity for a systemd-less distribution, in particular, Arch. Any further comparison between a systemd-based and a non-systemd-based GNU/Linux distribution is pointless. Artix is vastly superior to any other systemd-based distro just by the virtue of not having systemd.

Re: Artix vs. Manjaro - stability, usability with KDE desktop

Reply #7
Artix is built upon the necessity for a systemd-less distribution, in particular, Arch. Any further comparison between a systemd-based and a non-systemd-based GNU/Linux distribution is pointless. Artix is vastly superior to any other systemd-based distro just by the virtue of not having systemd.
I agree completely...after all, most users who would choose a non-systemd distro are most likely savvy to the fact that systemd is so much overkill that it has become a mostly over complicated way to basically boot a linux system. In spite of all the grandiose claims put forth by the systemd camp, I see no reason to go along with them. Artix works well and boots fast. No need to fix something that isn't broke for the sake of complexity.The less savvy user who could care less about how their system starts need not do not need systemd. My hat is off to all that make it possible to go system-free...both here, and elsewhere.

Artix is a fine system.....I have no complaints, and I use KDE exclusively.

Best regards
We should try to be kind to everyone.....we are all fighting some sort of battle.