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Topic: Introduce Your Self Say Hello (Read 11249 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #45
Hello everyone. It is great to be here!
I am long time Archlinux user and have finally been freed of systemd thanks to Artix Linux.
I hope for great things for Artix LInux. The Linux community still has choice and truly wants to continue to have choice of init.
Take care everyone and enjoy being systemd free. :)

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #46
Hi everyone,
I'm not using Artix but i'm here to support projects which doesn't works with system:D tips and tricks. I'm a long time user of Arch linux (from 2005, if i remember well) and i'm always thinking that's it a really F@#@king good distro.
Happy to see one more projects on Arch without system:D.
Obarun : free to control your system

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #47
 I already use this init, that is, Openrc in Arch since it appeared in Manjaro. Then I discovered that there was a way, to migrate from Arch Linux to OpenRc and ever since with the best of both worlds, Arch Linux and not Systemd.
  That's why I was pleased to hear from you on the Manjaro forum that they were going to discontinue support and become a single distribution.
  So here I am again, to congratulate you on this excellent project.

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #48
Hello to all. (^_^)

My first experience with Linux began in 2012 with 'Bodhi Linux' (an Ubuntu-derivative), which I had used as a secondary operating system until mid-2016 (at which point I abandoned Windows Vista).  After using that distribution as my primary operating system for a few months, I craved something much more lightweight  (I have a bit of an unhealthy obsession with minimalism, and I attempt to avoid using Iridium/Chromium unless I need to create a forum post...).

At some point in the third quarter of 2016, I discovered Arch (and Gentoo, but I prefer the efficiency of downloading pre-compiled binary packages from repositories).  I soon learned more information in regards to initialization systems...  I loved certain aspects of Arch, but was repulsed by 'SystemD', as well as the overall unqualified embrace of 'SystemD' by Arch administrators and forum staff. guided me toward the beaming light of Arch-OpenRC.  While not perfect, OpenRC is pretty close (in my view). I had been using Arch-OpenRC since either late-2016 or early 2017.  I was aware of the existence of Artix for approximately one month, prior to migrating over on 2017-10-02 (I have Arch-OpenRC installed on quite a few systems, and some software that certain users have (mostly bluetooth-related) require kernel-dependent packages, that Artix does not yet possess.  So, I have had to hold off on migrating them).

I rarely join online congregations, but something about Artix caused me to create an account. I very much look forward to learning from (and aiding wherever possible) other users within this forum.

Thank you to all of those that contribute to 'Artix', 'OpenRC', and other reasonable (non-bloated/non-invasive/non-systemd) Linux-related projects. :)

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #49
welcme to the wonderful world of Artix !

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #50
Hi all, finally got here...

I found this thread at the end of my reading through the forum, so I already had bit of a howdy & gratitude to the Artix team elsewhere.

Anyway, for those that don't know me, I've been into GNU/Linux full time, since late 2005: Ubuntu Breezy; then a Ubuntu upgrade broke support for my hardware, so then Sabayon, which broke something, then PC-BSD, then Gentoo, then in early 2008 Arch -> fell in love & stopped distro hopping until the s*stemd thing happened & I got pissed off with the attitude of some of the mods/admins & TU's (in particular, there were lots of fights & lots of disrespect). I wasn't involved in any of the arguments at all. It just turned me off using Arch.

So, in 2011 I moved back to PC-BSD & carried on. Then mips emailed me & told me I should take a look at Manjaro, he reckoned that I'd like it. So I did, & I did. :) I really like the community.

Over the years the odd thing had pissed me off over at Manjaro, but over all it has a great team & terrific community that really does make Arch available to those with little to no Linux experience. Well done to those involved over the years.

I left Manjaro (kept a drive to use on the odd occasion with it on it -> couldn't do an -Syu without trashing it badly - have a clonezilla backup :) ) & have been using OpenBSD on my main machine. It is set up very much like how my Artix is - Openbox, Worker, Tint2, & a few helpers like Udiskie (not on OpenBSD), an ALSA soundmixer/applet & the like for the WM front end.

My install of Artix is a stripped down LXQt install (should have done a base build). Artix installed & worked on my difficult for distros notebook, first go, wireless & all. :D I've customised it dramatically (still at it, slowly now) to be the way I like.

If Artix is reliable & continues to become more polished (as it certainly has been doing since I've been using it) then it could end up as my main system on my other computer in the future. :)

I'll see what the coming months bring - here's hoping - its looking very good. 8)

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #51
Hi handy You are more than welcome at Artix, but remember it is a very young distribution, I'm glad you had no problems with installation shows your years of experience. 

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #52
Hi mandog, thanks. ;)

I was just lucky I think, you know how it is with Linux/BSD (& such) your hardware can make it easy, or all the way to impossible (sometimes).

Re. Artix being so young - that's one of the reasons that I waited for a while before giving it a try.

Remember that line that Steve McQueen had in the Magnificent Seven?

Steve said:-
'There was this fellow who jumped off of a tall building, as he fell, the people standing at the windows on each floor heard him say as he went past - "So far, so good" ' ;)

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #53
@Handy When you say Manjaro, you mean without OpenRC, right?
I'm running openbox as well, have you tried obmenu-generator?   It makes bars, and panels useless, and it takes a few bytes to run it.

About the Manjaro forum the words that came to mind were from a P.Newman movie, "cool hand Luke".
"what we have here is a failure to communicate"

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #54
Hi fungalnet, I used Manjaro sans OpenRC most of the ~6 years I've used it. I don't think that Artoo was there for 3 years (but I could be wrong) & it took a bit before I switched over to OpenRC, which treated me well until it didn't.

My systems are always very customised to suit myself. Everynow & then that does play a part in troublesome experiences... :)

Re. the automatic menu generators: I have no use for them. I like to have only what I want in my Ob menu, & exactly where I want it to be. The menu generators create a crowd of mostly useless stuff for "me". Personal preference & all that. ;)

I've been setting my machines up in much the same way since my very early days in Arch - mid 2008. It is how I like to interface with IT.

Re: The cool hand Luke statement: There has been that problem on the odd occasion over there, with regard to the management. Though I do understand that when you have a very busy life, time is precious & you need to prioritise. Though it can cause colateral damage amongst a community...
I really don't want to talk about that stuff, as I don't think it does anyone any good. ;)
I'd much rather talk about Artix.  8) 

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #55
Hello! Long time linux user here, probably close to 20 years now.

Been using the runit and dinit versions after trying the openrc. Have to say really impressed with runit and dinit. Easy to write scripts, not some crazy 50-100 lines of bash like with sysvinit/openrc.

So after tinkering a bit with Artix, its really impressed me. Switched from Arch, not going back!

Thank you Artix devs for making the arch without systemd!

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #56
what a walk down memory lane
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #57
Hi everyone,

New in Artix (and also in Linux). This summer I left Windows tired of their telemetry, ads, and bad performance (my laptop has 6 years old, and becomes almost unusable with Windows). So I first tried Debian and after several weeks changed to Artix (mainly because lack of support for my hardware  and the philosphy behind systemd).

For now, I’m happy with Artix… great distribution.

Re: Introduce Your Self Say Hello

Reply #59
Hi everyone,

New in Artix (and also in Linux). This summer I left Windows tired of their telemetry, ads, and bad performance (my laptop has 6 years old, and becomes almost unusable with Windows). So I first tried Debian and after several weeks changed to Artix (mainly because lack of support for my hardware  and the philosphy behind systemd).

For now, I’m happy with Artix… great distribution.

Cat Herders of Linux