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Topic: pacman can't find some package in AUR (Read 3161 times) previous topic - next topic
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pacman can't find some package in AUR

Hi guys, new to arch based distro, already made sure arch repos are in pacman.conf.
When I do pacman -S android-studio
it returns error: target not found: android-studio
When I do
pacman -Syyu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 system                                                 263.2 KiB   234 KiB/s 00:01 [################################################] 100%
 world                                                 1918.0 KiB  3.82 MiB/s 00:00 [################################################] 100%
 galaxy                                                1896.6 KiB  9.60 MiB/s 00:00 [################################################] 100%
 universe                                                66.3 KiB   422 KiB/s 00:00 [################################################] 100%
 extra                                                 1586.2 KiB  1286 KiB/s 00:01 [################################################] 100%
 community                                                5.8 MiB  17.8 MiB/s 00:00 [################################################] 100%
 multilib                                               149.6 KiB  1496 KiB/s 00:00 [################################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do

Not sure what is wrong. If it helps, innit is openrc, KDE desktop environment.

Re: pacman can't find some package in AUR

Reply #1
That's totally weird that pacman can't find only some packages in AUR. Because a normal pacman can't find any packages in AUR. It doesn't work with AUR.

You must install packages from AUR manually or with an automated support of an AUR helper, such as yay or paru.

Re: pacman can't find some package in AUR

Reply #2
Sorry I might confuse the community repo with AUR, when I use pacman -Ss android it returns some packages in the community repo but no android-studio which I found weird. Or maybe because it is not in the community repo but in the AUR?

Re: pacman can't find some package in AUR

Reply #3
Sorry I am an idiot lol, android studio isn't in community repo, there is nothing wrong.

Re: pacman can't find some package in AUR

Reply #5
Sorry I might confuse the community repo with AUR, when I use pacman -Ss android it returns some packages in the community repo but no android-studio which I found weird. Or maybe because it is not in the community repo but in the AUR?

I think I get what your issue is.

The AUR is simply a common place where Arch Linux (and it's derivatives) users can post PKGBUILDs for various pieces of software that they use, this can be anything from minor software libraries to full on programs like android-studio.

To download and manage these is either done by downloading the PKGBUILD manually from the AUR or using one of the numerous helper programs out there, like yay and paru.

The community repo, is basically when some programs on the AUR prove to be so popular and so widely used, the Arch Developers decide to give them more 'official' support.

Re: pacman can't find some package in AUR

Reply #6
The AUR was created to organize and share new packages from the community and to help expedite popular packages' inclusion into the community repository.
community contains packages that have been adopted by Trusted Users from the Arch User Repository.

community repository is a subset of AUR.
Warning: AUR packages are user-produced content. These PKGBUILDs are completely unofficial and have not been thoroughly vetted. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk.