Like I said before, simply create this file, not including the cat line of course, it can also go in /usr/lib/udev/rules.d:
$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules
# do not edit this file, it will be overwritten on update
ACTION!="add", GOTO="net_name_slot_end"
SUBSYSTEM!="net", GOTO="net_name_slot_end"
NAME!="", GOTO="net_name_slot_end"
ENV{net.ifnames}=="0", GOTO="net_name_slot_end"
If you put it in the /usr/lib/udev/rules.d original system location then if you return to real eudev either through the AUR or because Artix switches back later you will get a file conflict error, and have to delete it to make way for the package provided one. If you put it in /etc/udev/rules.d you won't get a warning but it will probably take precedence over the package provided one, so you will still want to delete it at some point in the case of returning to real eudev. In the very long term if the syntax for udev rules changes and you still had this config in operation you may need to revise it, but that is probably unlikely.
The wlan / eth names have always been kept in some other non-systemd distros, it's really just a preference and only 3 people including me and you on this forum so far have wanted to switch back, I also use Devuan sometimes too and always used wlan /eth there.
If you don't want to use wlan / eth that's your easiest options - config xudev / eudev by adding that file, or install real eudev from the AUR. Remember an AUR helper will update it for you. (The eudev-git PKGBUILD version naming seemed to have a bug though as it permanently wanted to update, didn't try the eudev one)
Artoo said if the eudev project gets back running properly (which is now in progress) then Artix might switch back again, so it's probably best to wait and see what happens and just fix things to your preference in the meanwhile.