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Topic: [SOLVED] Remove neofetch from showing up @ boot under runit (Read 1911 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Remove neofetch from showing up @ boot under runit

Hello guys, hope everyone to be safe and sound  ;) . How's the proper way to remove neofetch from the boot sequence. I like neofetch installed but i would wanna remove it from showing up at start. Is there any easy way or i have to look into initcpio hooks and get my hands more dirty? Either way would be cool if someone can give some clues how to get this done safely. System init is runit. Cheers and have a nice weekend  8)

Re: Remove neofetch from showing up @ boot under runit

Reply #1
I don't know about a 'proper' way.

Neofetch is run from /etc/local.d/branding.start
/etc/local.d/branding.start is part of the package artix-branding-base
On first run /etc/local.d/branding.start contains more lines but deletes them after running them.

So you could remove the package artix-branding-base. Although I wouldn't recommend that as it does more than just run noefetch.

You could remove the executable bit from /etc/local.d/branding.start
Or you could edit /etc/local.d/branding.start and remove or comment out the neofetch line. However if and when artix-branding-base is updated your changes will be overwritten and you'll have to do it again. You could get round that by ignoring artix-branding-base in /etc/pacman.conf. But I wouldn't really recommend that either.

Re: Remove neofetch from showing up @ boot under runit

Reply #2
Neofetchis on boot seems to be a good idea.  It displays a useful info at startup, including uptime.

But ASCII art with Artix logo seems to be out of place.  To remove only ASCII logo and keep all other neofetch info intact, I added "--backend off" parameter (without double quotes) to neofetch invocation in /etc/local.d/branding.start script:

Code: [Select]
neofetch --no_config --backend off >| /etc/issue

Re: Remove neofetch from showing up @ boot under runit

Reply #3
Thanks guys @gripped & @just for the solutions. For me the best way is removing exec bit from file branding.start as suggested by @gripped. Hope it will not turn executable again after updating unless devs would change the file adding more lines to that script. Don't know sure if when we update permissions get changed. Tnx again Artix community, rocks!!! :) Peace!!!

Re: Remove neofetch from showing up @ boot under runit

Reply #4
I've marked branding.start file as non executable but did not worked. Neofetch still spawns at start. Maybe neofetch has deeper roots into the startup. So we have to think other ways to remove neofetch from the start. I'm starting to think this might not be possible at all  ::)

Re: Remove neofetch from showing up @ boot under runit

Reply #5
Edit /etc/rc.local. For example:
Code: [Select]
# cat <<EOT >/etc/rc.local
uname -a >| /etc/issue

Example #2, I have:
Code: [Select]

# /etc/rc.local -- rc.local for Artix Linux
# Enter your custom commands here.

# Clear the screen
echo -ne "\x1b[2J\x1b[0;0H" >| /etc/issue

# Output hostname in ASCII art
/usr/bin/figlet -w 120 -f /usr/share/figlet/larry3d "$(uname -n)" | \
sed -e's/\\/\\\\/g' >> /etc/issue
echo >> /etc/issue

# Add uname
uname -a >> /etc/issue
echo >> /etc/issue

Re: Remove neofetch from showing up @ boot under runit

Reply #6
I'm gonna try the first command. Looks more intuitive. Instead of showing neofetch output probably will get only the kernel version. Finger crossed, hope it works ;). Tnx for the solution. :D.

EDIT: Yes, it worked i got rid of neofetch from the start screen. Many salutes to @strajder for suggesting this simple and elegant solution. Be safe everybody!!!

Re: Remove neofetch from showing up @ boot under runit

Reply #8
I've marked branding.start file as non executable but did not worked. Neofetch still spawns at start. Maybe neofetch has deeper roots into the startup. So we have to think other ways to remove neofetch from the start. I'm starting to think this might not be possible at all  ::)
Comment out the neofetch command from branding.start. If a file is modified, pacman won't overwrite it on updates because it assumes the user knows what he/she's doing.

Re: [SOLVED] Remove neofetch from showing up @ boot under runit

Reply #9
@nous yes didn't try commenting out that line i thought the file is totally bypassed by other code "hidden" somewhere after i saw marking it non executable didn't do much of a difference. Will try that also and @strajder 3rd solution again looks appealing as is even more bear metal solution ;)