The apparmor-dinit script and apparmor-s6 script looks for apparmor.systemd but the file does not exist on /usr/lib/apparmor/. This causes the apparmor service to fail. I found out the file is on the arch repository but not the artix world repository. I got the file by extracting the zst package from arch packages and placing it on the directory and the service now works. This error just happened today after pacman -Syu upgraded the apparmor package.
From /etc/dinit.d/apparmor
type = scripted
command = /usr/lib/apparmor/apparmor.systemd reload
restart = false
waits-for = root-rw
From /etc/s6/sv/apparmor
#!/bin/execlineb -P
exec /usr/lib/apparmor/apparmor.systemd reload
Artix World repository package:
$ echo $PWD
$ ls
Arch extra repository package
$ echo $PWD
$ ls
apparmor.systemd rc.apparmor.functions