Until further notice I will continue on just the ZSH version since it's a lot more intuitive to use.
The bash version is lagging behind and will have some limitations. The fish version is a bit plagued by it's breakages of posix and will likely have limitations of it's own. Maybe by the end of the year they will both come, Lord willing and if my energy allows for it :-).
-Service manager:
* Resolve new Artix /sbin/init;
* Layout improvements and simplifications, enabled service count in front menu, much fewer kept on the "hidden" list;
* Dinit support: Dependency/dependant relations in startup list (only system and 1 level deep for now), user services are listed with own naming scheme which removes most limitations to the target user, also fixed some unwanted deduplications that their listings had;
-Main menu: addressed redundancies, moved connection stats to the header under -fw, added wireplumber streams number, added a (quicker) shortcut to directly run as root for the now more universal arguments potentially needing it;
-gpu: added basic Navi freq/voltage curve adjustments and an option to reset the table, some visual improvements;
-Improvements in -iomons with better row scaling, highlights and refresh rate, replaced iotop with native per process i/o view using zsh arrays (bit hacky but much better, simpler, no dependency, can run without root for user's i/o);
-console mode: custom RGB theming support from the preferences menu with additional hexcode parsing;
-Added sysbench shortcut under benchmarks and toned down the missing warnings;
-Some more annoyances/bugs fixed in the disk related tools, less spam, maintenance util. has added better browsers/webview profile detection;
-Misc. additions and other small layout improvements, debugging improvements, some optimizations, cleanups, a few more.