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Topic: Elogind-runit fail (Read 470 times) previous topic - next topic
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Elogind-runit fail

Hello guys, upgraded today and could not see anymore my login manager. Could not get into a tty either Looked up in pacman logs and saw the potential relevant culprit:
'upgraded elogind-runit (20220508-1 -> 20220828-1)'

Also i have this  i my pacman log
'ELOGIND-RUNIT: The elogind service is now linked to logind in the service pool which is linked in the default runsvdir'

In the same time lightdm was upgraded
'upgraded lightdm-runit (20220428-2 -> 20220815-1)'

Also this
'running 'runit-install.hook'...'
==> Add a service:
   ln -s /etc/runit/sv/<service> /run/runit/service/
==> Start/stop/restart a service:
    sv <start/stop/restart> <service>
running 'texinfo-install.hook'...
 running 'update-desktop-database.hook

Is there anything i'm missing. Can i fix this without chroot and downgrade package or i'll still have this nasty one of the worst surprises?
Couple of weeks ago i had my user set to autologin after boot but removed that and so i removed my user from autologin group and made the change in the lightdm.conf also removed user autologin. After that everything went fine and could login without any problems but today could not.
What's the problem? Tnx for any help might anyone give on this issue.
PS: i need to link again the service or what?? :o  Ty. At least i wanna reach a tty i don't necessarily need that fancy login screen

Re: Elogind-runit fail

Reply #1
Ah, this is related to this. I edited my last post to talk about the symlink problem in the elodind-runit package that I had missed, but I should've made a new post instead of an edit because I think the thread wasn't marked as unread and the maintainer missed it.

Re: Elogind-runit fail

Reply #2
Yep that could be the problem. In the meantime i edited my rc.local following my old pal @strajder advice here

After doing that login manager does not show up but now i can login from that tty (after login i have to issue 'startxfce4') and what's good at least from what i read, xorg starts as user and not as root as it previously used to. From what i read xorg is better to remain inside user realm. Waiting for the fix to be pushed down the line. Tnx for the tip :) @picokan

Re: Elogind-runit fail

Reply #3
Yep my bad, I fixed seatd so I assumed elogind was also broken and did the same move without thinking, A fix has been pushed and should reach you soon.

Re: Elogind-runit fail

Reply #4
Yes it worked perfectly. Awesome job  8) . Tnx for the fix