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Topic: Can't boot (Sovled) (Read 452 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can't boot (Sovled)

I deleted two packages not knowing that they did since there was a confict every time I Syu'ed so I Rdd them both I can't remember what they are called I think its expat and lib32-exapt I wasn't able to even use pacman after I delete them both I couldn't even open app or logout from xfce. So then I rebooted since I couldn't do anything thing and now I'm on a ventoy flash drive with artix iso on it.

How do I reinstall artix without delete my home folder and my software that I have on it.

I can go pass the grub but then its a black screen after that I have tried alt+crl F1 to switch ttys but it didn't do anything.

sorry if this isn't much help

Re: Can't boot in

Reply #1
Use pacman --sysroot /path/to/artix from within the ISO to reinstall/upgrade packages inside the broken OS.

Hardly anything on Linux requires nuke + reinstall.

Re: Can't boot in

Reply #2
Use pacman --sysroot /path/to/artix from within the ISO to reinstall/upgrade packages inside the broken OS.

Hardly anything on Linux requires nuke + reinstall.
Like this path or what I'm I looking for this path has bin boot dev etc and other folder from my artix install not the live

Re: Can't boot in

Reply #3
input and output
Code: [Select]
artix-live:[artix]:~$ sudo pacman --sysroot /run/media/artix/d4af9079-4f84-45e3-b84a-c3493a6af1c7/
error: GPGME error: Invalid crypto engine
error: DEB_Arch_Extra: missing required signature
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)

Re: Can't boot in

Reply #4
Code: [Select]
artix-live:[artix]:~$ sudo pacman -Syu --sysroot /run/media/artix/d4af9079-4f84-45e3-b84a-c3493a6af1c7/
error: GPGME error: Invalid crypto engine
error: DEB_Arch_Extra: missing required signature
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 gremlins is up to date
 system is up to date
 world is up to date
 galaxy is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
 lib32 is up to date
 DEB_Arch_Extra                                           5.9 KiB  5.50 KiB/s 00:01 [################################################] 100%
 universe is up to date
error: GPGME error: Invalid crypto engine
error: DEB_Arch_Extra: missing required signature
error: failed to synchronize all databases (unexpected error)

I going to try to reboot but look like it won't work.

Re: Can't boot in

Reply #5

Re: Can't boot in (not solved yet)

Reply #6
I was able to get my pc running again.
I booted to artix live iso from a usb
Code: [Select]
mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt
artix-chroot /dev/nvme0n1p2 /bin/bash
pacman -Syu
take note of the package then exit
pacman -Syu told me there was a package missing then I download it on the artix-live-iso and copy it over to /mnt/usr/lib/