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Topic: [SOLVED] Printer drivers (2) (Read 1505 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Printer drivers (2)


I am trying to install the drivers for the Pantum M6500 printer, which I found in the AUR as per the attached screenshot and which I had properly used in the past with the help of the forum (,3744.msg24222.html#msg24222).

Now, having to do installation on new pc, I found out that the package is obsolete as of May 2022 and the package installation ends with ERROR (as per the attached screenshot) because the source is no longer available. In the AUR comments another driver is indicated but it is not actually found in AUR. 

 I am not experienced enough to be able to solve this on my own,  Can you help me ? Thank you very much in advance.

Re: Printer drivers (2)

Reply #1
It would be nice if you could put up an English translation of your error message, if would help far more in getting answers here.

Re: Printer drivers (2)

Reply #2
It would be nice if you could put up an English translation of your error message, if would help far more in getting answers here.

Sure, here is the translation of the error

"==> ERROR: Unable to download
The operation is aborted."

Tks for any idea

Re: Printer drivers (2)

Reply #4
The package is flagged as out of date with a message:
So tweak the PKGBUILD to accept this source and see how it goes.

Thanks for the reply, but the updated link you suggest for the driver package on AUR is also unavailable and there doesn't seem to be any others...

Re: Printer drivers (2)

Reply #6
Try this , I have test package is built fine , but you must test does printer works or not
Code: [Select]
pkgdesc="Pantum M6200-M6500-M6550-M6600-MS6000 Series LINUX Driver V$pkgver"
arch=('x86_64' 'x86' 'i686' 'i386' 'arm' "aarch64")
depends=('sane' 'cups')


#noextract=("aeskulap_0.2.2b1-11_amd64.deb" "libdcmtk2_3.6.0-12_amd64.deb" "libwrap0_7.6.q-25_amd64.deb")

ar p $1 data.tar.xz | tar xJ

    # extract them all under the base /usr dir inside of the source folder
    #extract_deb "aeskulap_0.2.2b1-11_amd64.deb"
    #extract_deb "libdcmtk2_3.6.0-12_amd64.deb"
    #extract_deb "libwrap0_7.6.q-25_amd64.deb"
    cd $srcdir/Pantum\ Ubuntu\ Driver\ V$pkgver-$pkgrel/Resources

    mkdir -p pkg
    cd ./pkg
    #extract_deb "../Pantum-M6500-Series-3.0.$arch.deb"
    extract_deb "../pantum_$pkgver-"$pkgrel"_amd64.deb"

    # go into the package folder and copy the /usr into the root
    cd ${pkgdir}
    cp -r "${srcdir}/Pantum Ubuntu Driver V$pkgver-$pkgrel/Resources/pkg/"* .

    # move this into that
    # rm -r ./usr/lib64
    cd usr/lib
    #mv -u $arch-linux-gnu/* .
    cp -a $arch-linux-gnu/* .
    rm -r *-linux-gnu*
Create problems which don't have solution

Re: Printer drivers (2)

Reply #7
Try this , I have test package is built fine , but you must test does printer works or not
Code: [Select]
pkgdesc="Pantum M6200-M6500-M6550-M6600-MS6000 Series LINUX Driver V$pkgver"
arch=('x86_64' 'x86' 'i686' 'i386' 'arm' "aarch64")
depends=('sane' 'cups')


#noextract=("aeskulap_0.2.2b1-11_amd64.deb" "libdcmtk2_3.6.0-12_amd64.deb" "libwrap0_7.6.q-25_amd64.deb")

ar p $1 data.tar.xz | tar xJ

    # extract them all under the base /usr dir inside of the source folder
    #extract_deb "aeskulap_0.2.2b1-11_amd64.deb"
    #extract_deb "libdcmtk2_3.6.0-12_amd64.deb"
    #extract_deb "libwrap0_7.6.q-25_amd64.deb"
    cd $srcdir/Pantum\ Ubuntu\ Driver\ V$pkgver-$pkgrel/Resources

    mkdir -p pkg
    cd ./pkg
    #extract_deb "../Pantum-M6500-Series-3.0.$arch.deb"
    extract_deb "../pantum_$pkgver-"$pkgrel"_amd64.deb"

    # go into the package folder and copy the /usr into the root
    cd ${pkgdir}
    cp -r "${srcdir}/Pantum Ubuntu Driver V$pkgver-$pkgrel/Resources/pkg/"* .

    # move this into that
    # rm -r ./usr/lib64
    cd usr/lib
    #mv -u $arch-linux-gnu/* .
    cp -a $arch-linux-gnu/* .
    rm -r *-linux-gnu*

Thanks for the reply, then I have some hope !

However, I must confess that I have no idea how to use the code you sent me. I am a simple user and have never been faced with such a problem, despite using Linux for over 20 years.... Can you kindly give me some further suggestions on what to do now ?

Re: Printer drivers (2)

Reply #8
The text is called PKGBUILD.
Copy it and save it with name as "PKGBUIILD" in best an empty directory.
Than run this command in that directory:
Code: [Select]
It will create a package based on the instructions contained in the PKGBUILD file which can than be installed with pacman as:
Code: [Select]
pacman -U <filename>

Before running makepkg I would recommend to install packages from base-devel group to make sure basic stuff are on your machine. (Might or might not be needed, try and see)
Code: [Select]
pacman -S base-devel

This is my short description on how to do this.
I just hope someone else will give a better answer.

Re: Printer drivers (2)

Reply #9
The text is called PKGBUILD.
Copy it and save it with name as "PKGBUIILD" in best an empty directory.
Than run this command in that directory:
Code: [Select]
It will create a package based on the instructions contained in the PKGBUILD file which can than be installed with pacman as:
Code: [Select]
pacman -U <filename>

Before running makepkg I would recommend to install packages from base-devel group to make sure basic stuff are on your machine. (Might or might not be needed, try and see)
Code: [Select]
pacman -S base-devel

This is my short description on how to do this.
I just hope someone else will give a better answer.

EUREKA ! Many thanks arch_user and sgorava !
I followed exactly your instructions in the previous message and now everything works perfectly, both printer and scanner.  Three days of headache, but I did it thanks to you and the others who wanted to help me.

EDIT: Removed duplicate quote.