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Topic: Failed to load nvidia-nvm on boot [Solved] (Read 503 times) previous topic - next topic
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Failed to load nvidia-nvm on boot [Solved]

So I updated my PC to the newest Artix version and when I boot up it show all the services started up and one of them shows
Code: [Select]
modules        | * Failed to load nvidia-nvm                                 [ !! ] 
after it list all of the services it stays on tty1 instead of going into tty7. I switch over to tty7 and its a back screen with "_" blinking.

I using an 1080ti.

Re: Failed to load nvidia-nvm on boot

Reply #1
Hi, just now my nvidia module didn't load either and thus I could not start my xorg server.
In uninstalled
Code: [Select]
and installed
Code: [Select]
and then rebooted.
That fixed it for me, the module loads again as seen in the start up sequence and xorg works again for me.

Re: Failed to load nvidia-nvm on boot

Reply #2
Hi, just now my nvidia module didn't load either and thus I could not start my xorg server.
In uninstalled
Code: [Select]
and installed
Code: [Select]
and then rebooted.
That fixed it for me, the module loads again as seen in the start up sequence and xorg works again for me.
I tired that yesterday but when installing nvidia-dkms it took a long time so I killed it since I was too impatient next time I give it more time. When I tried to uninstall nvidia it said nothing was found but probably uninstalled it when I tried to install nvidia-dkms.

Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -R nvidia; sudo pacman -S nvidia-dkms