Outdated Mold-package (Universe-repo) 10 February 2023, 10:59:22 Hi, Currently the Mold-package in the Universe-repo is at 1.6.x, while it's at 1.10 in Arch's community-repo - will it be possible to update the mold-package? Or at least remove it from the repo, if no longer maintained, so that pacman would default to Arch's package? (I know that I can change the repo-priorities in pacman.conf, but I want to prioritize Artix' repos)
Re: Outdated Mold-package (Universe-repo) Reply #1 – 10 February 2023, 22:10:20 I added mold when it became a new makedep for firedragon, but so far this only builds when forcing it to use ldd.So mold has been removed now.artist 1 Likes