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Update after fresh installation

Using the latest available iso file, artix-lxqt-20180108-x86_64.iso and doing a fresh install, I'm not able to update the system.
sudo pacman -Syu always asks for a lot of replacement repos and finally fails. I guess I must set up the correct mirrorlist and pacman.conf.
I can find nowhere recent information about valid mirros and which options must be enabled (or disabled) in pacman.conf.
Can I have a hint please? I would like to experiment with Artix, which seems to be a very promising project. Thank you. André

Re: Update after fresh installation

Reply #1
The latest artix-mirrorlist can be found here: mirrorlist

Download it and from the directory it is saved open a terminal and install it by running the following command:
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -U artix-mirrorlist-20180421-1-any.pkg.tar.xz

It will be installed in /etc/pacman.d as mirrorlist.pacnew.
You will have to delete or rename your current mirrorlist to mirrorlist.old or some such, then rename mirrorlist.pacnew to "mirrorlist".

You should then be able to update with:
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Syyu

Best regards.
We should try to be kind to everyone.....we are all fighting some sort of battle.

Re: Update after fresh installation

Reply #2
Conky60, I want to thank you. I will try that asap.
It's a great hint, now I know for the future.

PS: You are very kind indeed! Thank you and with my very best regards, andré

Re: Update after fresh installation

Reply #3
To confirm: the solution proposed by conky60 works perfectly well.
Greetings, André

Re: Update after fresh installation

Reply #4
Just to add to this, Its good practice to use sudo pacman -Syyu this forces the mirrors to resync regardless and helps the system not to break due to partial update, 15 years using Arch and has always worked here.

Re: Update after fresh installation

Reply #5
The latest artix-mirrorlist can be found here: mirrorlist
That link is already outdated.  Given how often it is important to get the latest mirrorlist, would it make sense to create a artix-mirrorlit-latest.pkg.tar.xz link in that folder?

Re: Update after fresh installation

Reply #7
Yes, I can do that for myself.  However, that won't necessarily be handy when I'm doing a new install on some other PC.  Given how fast things sometimes change here, and how critical it is to have an accurate mirrorlist, why not make it really easy for folks to find it?  Maybe a link on the main page.  Maybe a sticky forum topic on things to watch out for when installing from iso's (as currently available) that require a bit of manual intervention to end up with a working system - such as update the mirrorlist, possibly update pacman.conf, things for the openrc/runit update. 

I agree that Artix is not a good distro for folks who need hand holding, but I figure why not do easy things that can decrease frustration?

Re: Update after fresh installation

Reply #8
That link is already outdated.  Given how often it is important to get the latest mirrorlist, would it make sense to create a artix-mirrorlit-latest.pkg.tar.xz link in that folder?
Indeed you are correct....the link I posted was current "at that time", and I should have made mention in my reply that it would not remain current always. Thank you for raising that point.

@SGOrava has posted the correct link which will provide an always current mirrorlist. :)

Best regards.
We should try to be kind to everyone.....we are all fighting some sort of battle.

Re: Update after fresh installation

Reply #9
Yes, I can do that for myself.  However, that won't necessarily be handy when I'm doing a new install on some other PC.  Given how fast things sometimes change here, and how critical it is to have an accurate mirrorlist, why not make it really easy for folks to find it?  Maybe a link on the main page.  Maybe a sticky forum topic on things to watch out for when installing from iso's (as currently available) that require a bit of manual intervention to end up with a working system - such as update the mirrorlist, possibly update pacman.conf, things for the openrc/runit update. 

I agree that Artix is not a good distro for folks who need hand holding, but I figure why not do easy things that can decrease frustration?

The mirrors getting out of sync was just an unfortunate case of the primary mirror unexpectedly going down without any explanation. That was outside of the devs control. People don't always do pacman -Syy, so they got of sync with the mirrors because of that.