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Topic: [openrc][runit] update (Read 20174 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #15
I tried following the steps for openrc, but something went wrong and now I can't boot my system.  I tried adding the "init=/usr/bin/openrc-init" at the GRUB command line, but that did no good.  I just got a message saying:

Root device mounted successfully, but /sbin/init does not exist.  Bailing out, you are on your own.  Good luck.

sh:  can't access tty; job control turned off

Is there any way of repairing  this?

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #16
I tried following the steps for openrc, but something went wrong and now I can't boot my system.  I tried adding the "init=/usr/bin/openrc-init" at the GRUB command line, but that did no good.  I just got a message saying:
Root device mounted successfully, but /sbin/init does not exist.  Bailing out, you are on your own.  Good luck.
sh:  can't access tty; job control turned off
Is there any way of repairing  this?

This means that your update was probably partial and you're missing /sbin/init (which belongs to openrc). A live linux CD or USB stick would be your best option.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #17
Root device mounted successfully, but /sbin/init does not exist.  Bailing out, you are on your own.  Good luck.

When you are able to mount the system look at your / root directory if /bin /sbin /lib /lib64 links exist.

Code: [Select]
# mount /dev/sd** /mnt
# ls -al /mnt
# artools-chroot /mnt

Are you running on gremlins and your mirrorlist is not current or you synched from that one mirror that has not updated?
Did you install a version of artix-sysvcompat on your last upgrade?  What is the file version?
Code: [Select]
# pacman -Qs artix-sysvcompat 

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #18
the mirrors from the "tutorial" on the website didn't have artix-sysvcompat available to me. i had to use:

Code: [Select]
Server =$repo/os/$arch

also... there was no announcement when the change would hit system, which indeed it already did (yesterday?). i ALMOST rebooted my system without checking for special instructions. only when i realized i couldn't use reboot any more (thank god) i started to poke around and found the outdated info on the website and forum.

you guys, i really appreciate all you are doing... but if this continues the way it does... i'll probably switch to another distro. just wanted to let you know in case others feel the same way so that you get a feeling about the general "health" of your user base.

you keep introducing possible system breaking changes without much warning. the constant dependency issues from migrating away from arch packages are just another issue that falls into that category. if you want to keep this distro that way without ever getting it to a stable place you've got all my support and best wishes to do so. just let us know if you are planning to stay on the experimental route because that's just not what i was looking for when i wanted to stay away from systemd.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #19
We have introdued an init agnostic base group.
This make it possible to keep artix open for eventual s6 adoption, or runit and openrc in combination.

We certainly have no mean to email each and every user, and time is spread thin.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #20
the mirrors from the "tutorial" on the website didn't have artix-sysvcompat available to me. i had to use:

Code: [Select]
Server =$repo/os/$arch

also... there was no announcement when the change would hit system, which indeed it already did (yesterday?). i ALMOST rebooted my system without checking for special instructions. only when i realized i couldn't use reboot any more (thank god) i started to poke around and found the outdated info on the website and forum.

you guys, i really appreciate all you are doing... but if this continues the way it does... i'll probably switch to another distro. just wanted to let you know in case others feel the same way so that you get a feeling about the general "health" of your user base.

you keep introducing possible system breaking changes without much warning. the constant dependency issues from migrating away from arch packages are just another issue that falls into that category. if you want to keep this distro that way without ever getting it to a stable place you've got all my support and best wishes to do so. just let us know if you are planning to stay on the experimental route because that's just not what i was looking for when i wanted to stay away from systemd.
Post #13 of this thread contains the announcement, the stable servers took a few hours to sink, so late yesterday.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #21
the mirrors from the "tutorial" on the website didn't have artix-sysvcompat available to me. i had to use:

Code: [Select]
Server =$repo/os/$arch

also... there was no announcement when the change would hit system, which indeed it already did (yesterday?). i ALMOST rebooted my system without checking for special instructions. only when i realized i couldn't use reboot any more (thank god) i started to poke around and found the outdated info on the website and forum.

you guys, i really appreciate all you are doing... but if this continues the way it does... i'll probably switch to another distro. just wanted to let you know in case others feel the same way so that you get a feeling about the general "health" of your user base.

you keep introducing possible system breaking changes without much warning. the constant dependency issues from migrating away from arch packages are just another issue that falls into that category. if you want to keep this distro that way without ever getting it to a stable place you've got all my support and best wishes to do so. just let us know if you are planning to stay on the experimental route because that's just not what i was looking for when i wanted to stay away from systemd.

I've not had time to try using a live DVD to fix the system.  I do, however, agree 100% with eNTi's comments about getting to a "stable place."  I want to see a systemd-free version of Arch linux, but I need stability as well.  If Artix is going to be a place for developers to tinker with alternative init software instead of getting to one or more stable versions of systemd-free Arch, then I certainly need to find an alternative distro.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #22
We recently lost our primary mirror unexpectedly and relatively suddenly, lets not mix several issues here.
As a matter of fact, the updates arrived in stable and they do work, granted you followed the announcement, and you have had updated your mirrorlist(pacnew).
Troubles with a flawed update has likely its root cause in the mirror being outdated.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #23
We recently lost our primary mirror unexpectedly and relatively suddenly, lets not mix several issues here.
As a matter of fact, the updates arrived in stable and they do work, granted you followed the announcement, and you have had updated your mirrorlist(pacnew).
Troubles with a flawed update has likely its root cause in the mirror being outdated.
yeah... the 3 mirrors that were in the announcement were outdated and the one i posted worked. SGOrava pointed me in the right direction. these things happen i suppose. especially with the limited man power behind the project.

what i don't understand and what isn't really necessary is the fact that users (like me) update their system and it breaks without warning. i might expect that from an experimental distribution and therefor don't ever update before i check the forums and the website.

however i was under the impression that artix [system] is generally regarded as safe (stable). if i got the wrong impression of what artix is supposed to be (a STABLE and systemd-free archlinux fork) please tell us so that we either pay closer attention to updates or look for an alternative.

it's totally ok if you want the distro to be a playground i just don't want to keep false  hopes. so far artix is all i ever wanted from a distro sans the system breakages.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #24

however i was under the impression that artix [system] is generally regarded as safe (stable). if i got the wrong impression of what artix is supposed to be (a STABLE and systemd-free archlinux fork) please tell us so that we either pay closer attention to updates or look for an alternative.

I simply don't get the complaining here.
System is stable, the update works as intended, but there is no way to pull in a new member of base group automatically.
That is all there is to it, not different to what arch does in their announcements if user intervention is required on update.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #25

I simply don't get the complaining here.
System is stable, the update works as intended, but there is no way to pull in a new member of base group automatically.
That is all there is to it, not different to what arch does in their announcements if user intervention is required on update.

Stable and everything working for me on the following machines:

Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro - (i7, 8GB RAM, 500GB mSATA, Intel Graphics, Touch Screen, Convertable)
Dell Precision 7510 - (Xeon Proc, 64GB RAM, Nvidia + Intel (using Nvidia DKMS, 1x1TB SATA SSD, 1x1TB m2))
MSI GS40 Phantom - (i7, 32BG RAM, Nvidia + Intel (using Nvidia DKSM, 1x1TB m2))
Microsoft Surface 2 Pro - (i7, 8GB RAM, Intel Graphics, Touch Screen, 1x1TB (whatever drive is in it))

We all work though everything together.  Very few problems go unanswered even when they have nothing to do with Artix (such as AUR packages) and Artoo is pretty good at updating us within a few hours of any bugs.  It's not perfect, but the system works for us and I'm happy to help out when I can.
OS: Artix x86_64
Host: Predator PH517-61 V1.07
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (16) @ 3.2GHz [112.4°F]
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX Vega 56/64
Memory: 1129MiB / 64390MiB

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #26
yesterday my system would have been broken in two if it weren't for the coincidence that /bin/reboot was removed (temporarily). i AM on [system] and you can't state that system is STABLE if it breaks on a random update and you also can't say that the update works(ed) as intended if it had broken my system that way yesterday. yesterday when the update went life i went to the homepage (again due to the coincidence that /bin/reboot was gone) and followed the steps in the announcement and still weren't able to get the update running because the mirrors weren't updated yet.

that are just facts. there's no judgment in there. i'm telling you what my problems are. you can't tell me that those are not problems or that i'm not having them or that those are not of your doing.

this is actual judgment: if you are getting all defensive and keep saying everything works as intended ... well then i'm sorry i ever said anything. if it's your goal to run your distro this way... so be it. i'll just not bother with artix any more because i'm not interested your politics or experiments. all i want is a stable system without systemd. if you can't have any critique whatsoever ... well then good look i suppose.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #27
It could be a good idea have a web feed with the announcements, in this way people can aggregate to the feed and see if it is going to be a tough update.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #28

that are just facts. there's no judgment in there. i'm telling you what my problems are. you can't tell me that those are not problems or that i'm not having them or that those are not of your doing.

What are your facts, please provide log files etc.
Hysteria in a rant will not fix any issue without providing more detail.

Re: [openrc][runit] update

Reply #29
I don't think anyone is saying works as intended.  I'm just saying we're a small community and have already developed habits such as waiting a few days on updates and checking the forums before we update to see if Artoo or Fungalnet have posted any bugs before we actually update.  For example, I have a separate VM that is a mirror of my host that I do all updates on before I do my host (excluding the Nvidia DKMS drivers obviously) just in case something unforseen sneaks past the devs.  We'll get there.
OS: Artix x86_64
Host: Predator PH517-61 V1.07
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (16) @ 3.2GHz [112.4°F]
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX Vega 56/64
Memory: 1129MiB / 64390MiB