[SOLVED] glib2 2.76 breaks xfce4-screensaver
just noticed today after upgrading that xfce4-screensaver fails to show the login form on lockups (seems to do it but with a lot of struggle with the keyboard), and logs were full of xfce4-screensav general protection fault ip
messages. There's a fix already in the XFCE repo but not available yet [1]. In the meantime downgrading glib2 seems to fix the issue, in my case 2.76.0-1 -> 2.74.6-1
PS. Not an straightforward fix as I thought, now flatpak broke as well and I had to downgrade it along the package appstream. The number of packages requiring glib2 is a bit disturbing.
[1] https://gitlab.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-screensaver/-/commit/7aeced1f6fb39fd8887fc441b4ff491ba5bfcf35