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Topic: virt-viewer & libguestfs missing (Read 328 times) previous topic - next topic
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virt-viewer & libguestfs missing

Not sure if this is a real issue. I followed a recipe to remove VirtualBox in work machines.

It calls for these packages

qemu-full virt-manager virt-viewer dnsmasq vde2 bridge-utils gnu-netcat    libguestfs

this works in Arch, but fails in artix because virt-viewer & libguestfs packages are not found. I'm not actually sure that I need these.

From what I understand virt-viewer is used to observe running machines so may not be needed. Libguestfs appears to be utilities to inspect the machine images, but I don't know if it is really needed.

Do I need these to use virt-manager?

If I remove those from the list I still get errors eg
Code: [Select]
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "edk2-armvirt", a dependency of "qemu-system-aarch64"
warning: cannot resolve "qemu-system-aarch64=8.0.0-1", a dependency of "qemu-full"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:

Re: virt-viewer & libguestfs missing

Reply #1
Short answer: you don't need them to use virt-manager

Your intuition is correct, virt-viewer is used to open SPICE/VNC connections. It's more lightweight than virt-manager and doesn't require any special permissions to run, but it's a separate program and won't have any effect on whether or not you can use virt-manager. On the other hand, libguestfs might provide some functionality that your work expects you to have, but it's not required either.

virt-viewer, libguestfs, and edk2-aarch64 (which provides edk2-armvirt) are not in the Artix repos from what I can tell. I know virt-viewer is in omniverse, but for the other packages it looks like you'll need to enable the Arch repos.