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Reply #30

Maybe that's due to that that to find a good fixed distro with all needed packages and without systemd plague is pretty challenging if possible at all?
The best "rolling release" without systemd : Artix Linux.
I've been using it on different machines since 2019.

The best "fixed release" on which systemd is not enabled by default : MX Linux.
I install it for people who don't want/know how to "put their fingers in the engine".

There is also AntiX, on which MX is partly based.


Reply #31
MX and related will still also load sysvinit first->rc like Devuan does, and they have some bigger weirdnesses of their own.

Alpine, the other nonsystemd rolling distro (where on it's stable channel isn't rolling that much), loads busybox-init by default then rc via inittab, it can be changed but it's lack of glibc makes it weird to use on the desktop. Other embedded distros have the same "problem", cause they save every bit of memory possible.


Reply #32
The best "fixed release" on which systemd is not enabled by default : MX Linux.
I install it for people who don't want/know how to "put their fingers in the engine".
I came from Debian, so I tried that, naturally. But somehow I found out that their team leader is a politically engaged person, and that is the red flag for me. Other than that, MX looked usable but had some quirks that I didn't like then.

Gentoo gave me the best experience regarding the stability and available packages. But it is too heavy on resources for maintaining the system. Especially for a desktop scenario - when you use lots of bulky office software and have only a laptop.

Artix is not perfect also. But as for me, it is the best option available now. My kudos to developers!


Reply #34
The Debian team leader doesn't seem to publicly offer much in the way of political opinion that I could find from a quick search:
So what did you discover ?  :o
Oh, I see:
So the mayor of Neuilly-sur-Marne wants to increase policing instead of addressing any actual root causes of the rioting. What a f??kw?t."
Quite an out of character post though - hackery or another Debian dev going off the rails?


Reply #35
Gee, I wonder why would people think that.
Politics is the dirty thing, software development is much, much cleaner. Also, both need lots of time and dedication if someone wants to achieve anything. And mixing them does not look good to me.