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Migrating from Manjaro


I am using Majaro Xfce and Plasma but I would rather stay away from systemd.

I have a number of questions:

1. The migration guide from the Wiki, is it for plain Arch or should it work for Manjaro too? Has anyone tried it on Manjaro? Any specific desktop environments?

2. I see that there is plenty of software that seem to depend on systemd and/or udev. If I migrate, should I expect certain things to be broken or otherwise stop working? Any specific examples?

3. What about a fresh install. Is there anything I would be missing? Any limitations?



Re: Migrating from Manjaro

Reply #1
No offense, but it's probably better to just use a fresh install with XFCE or Plasma. These ISOs "just work" out of the box really well.

As per the wiki, "Note: Migration is for advanced users that know what they are doing. In general, doing a fresh installation is the preferred way to get started on Artix."

The only other thing I'd do is write down a list of all the software you currently use daily, and check if they're in the Artix repos, or if you'll have to build from AUR. That way you won't be missing anything when you come over.

Re: Migrating from Manjaro

Reply #2
Hello and welcome!
I did like you a few years ago.

forged24 has already given you relevant information.

If you install XFCE4 and add Plasma, your system will be less responsive (I experienced it).

Imho, it's better to install one or the other (unless a little slowdown doesn't bother).

Personally, I use XFCE4, but I add dolphin, because for my use, I prefer it to thunar:
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -S ark dolphin kdegraphics-thumbnailers kimageformats oxygen-icons qt5-imageformats

Settings to make if you prefer a clear style (Adwaita) :

If after installing Artix XFCE with Adwaita theme, the background of Dolphin, Gimp or some configuration windows is black, just uninstall some packages:

Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -R artix-dark-theme artix-desktop-presets artix-gtk-presets artix-icons artix-qt-presets

If on Dolphin, which I'm adding to XFCE4, the icon background is black instead of light gray, with black text :-/
As a workaround, edit ~/.config/kdeglobals and edit edit:

Code: [Select]
mousepad ~/.config/kdeglobals

Re: Migrating from Manjaro

Reply #3
Thanks guys. I will try a fresh install into a virtual machine whenever I find the time and see how it goes.

Just to clarify, I do not use two desktop environments on the same machine. I run Xfce on all of my machines except for one that runs Plasma.

In general, I prefer Xfce because it is lighter and more stable and reliable, but I have to confess it is really easy to get addicted to zsh and other Plasma default tools and configurations.