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Topic: Keyboard and mouse not working after update (Read 486 times) previous topic - next topic
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Keyboard and mouse not working after update

Hi everyone,

after my monthly update using

Code: [Select]
pacman -Syu

on one of my laptops I can't log in anymore through a desktop manager.

Once at the login graphical screen the keyboard, touchpad and external mouse don't work...I can't even switch to a console screen because the keyboard seems freezed.

If I boot using the

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switch I can disable the DISPLAYMANAGER in the

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file (switching to another DM leaves me with the same freezed login screen), so at least I can boot and log in into text mode but that's all I can do.

Any hints on what could have been happened after the update and how I can solve this?

Thank you in advance.


Re: Keyboard and mouse not working after update

Reply #1
What's the session manager normally used on that laptop, if it's SDDM then it may get fixed by installing libprocps.
Apart from this issue another one i've saw recently requires using the linux-lts kernel on some laptops.
If you run pacman -Syuu and there are some downgrades also you could do those as well.
You can eease your debugging by just enabling service sshd, so you can login remotely even when it's tty is unresponsive.

Re: Keyboard and mouse not working after update

Reply #2
Another approach might be to download a recent Artix iso, a graphical one might make it easier, dd it to a USB then boot that. Mount your problematic / root partition on somedir, then any other partions on their relevant subdirs like boot on somedir/boot, efi on somedir/boot/efi. You can look in somedir/etc/fstab if you can't remember. Then use "artix-chroot" to chroot into your OS, then type "bash" to get a bash shell not sh if you like, for nicer tab completion and so on. Then fix things using pacman to downgrade stuff, look in (somedir)/var/log/pacman.log for a record of what was upgraded. Probably you might be able to pick some likely candidates rather than downgrading everything, you can use pacman -U inside the chroot to install the old packages saved in (somedir)/var/cache/pacman/pkg - in the chroot terminal you won't need to prepend somedir to the path because you CHange ROOT when you chroot. You can still use other terminal tabs in the ISO desktop to look at things in the mounted location.
It's usually  also possible to chroot from other distros on other partitions but a bit more complicated as they won't have artix-chroot to bind mount stuff and $PATH might vary.