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Topic: [SOLVED] system break when doing Bleachbit or Stacer (Read 397 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] system break when doing Bleachbit or Stacer

Greetings! I encountered an issue previously while utilizing BleachBit or Stacer, resulting in the disruption of my system's init system. In response, I proceeded to chroot into a live environment and successfully reinstalled key components such as dinit. Consequently, my system resumed normal functionality.

On a related note, I recently configured my /tmp directory to utilize tempfs, enhancing system performance.

Now, I am seeking guidance on the appropriate approach to cleaning my Artix system.
I don't want to work with bleachbit
even if I want to do it manully
but how???
 I have found Artix to be an exceptional rolling distribution, known for its steadfast stability and seamless operation.
I greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide!

Re: system break when doing Bleachbit or Stacer

Reply #1
Now, I am seeking guidance on the appropriate approach to cleaning my Artix system.

To clear the pacman cache :
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Scc
To remove orphaned :
Code: [Select]
pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qdtq)

Code: [Select]
 I have found Artix to be an exceptional rolling distribution, known for its steadfast stability and seamless operation.
I fully agree with you ! 8)