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Topic: [SOLVED] A fix for cpupower-s6 (Read 297 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] A fix for cpupower-s6

There are 2 issues with the up script as is:
Here's my fixed version:
Code: [Select]
#!/bin/execlineb -P
envfile /etc/default/cpupower
importas -uD "" governor governor
importas -uD "" min_freq min_freq
importas -uD "" max_freq max_freq
importas -uD "" freq freq
importas -uD "" mc_scheduler mc_scheduler
importas -uD "" smp_scheduler smp_scheduler
importas -uD "" perf_bias perf_bias

# frequency options
foreground { if -t { test ${governor} } cpupower frequency-set -g ${governor} }
foreground { if -t { test ${min_freq} } cpupower frequency-set -d ${min_freq} }
foreground { if -t { test ${max_freq} } cpupower frequency-set -u ${max_freq} }
foreground { if -t { test ${freq} } cpupower frequency-set -f ${freq} }

# cpu options
foreground { if -t { test ${mc_scheduler} } cpupower set -m ${mc_scheduler} }
foreground { if -t { test ${smp_scheduler} } cpupower set -s ${smp_scheduler} }
foreground { if -t { test ${perf_bias} } cpupower set -b ${perf_bias} }

Re: A fix for cpupower-s6

Reply #1
Thanks for catching this one. What name and email would you like for me to use to credit you in the commit?

Re: A fix for cpupower-s6

Reply #3
Pushed it here and just built the updated package. Thanks again!