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Contributing Own Wallpaper Graphics


I recently have been creating some wallpapers. Beautiful graphics. I ended creating 30 different types and multiple variants. I was wandering if you would like one for Artix as a default. I need nice Black SVG Arix Logo for this. I have mutliple beautiful and elegant variants for dark themes created for a system, I was setting for someone else. Would need it sooner than later, though, before I forget how exactly I had made them  :D

I know you don't care about such things, but I attatch an example. These are examples, I have more suble versions too and some others.

Please download the original photo to view it in full resolution in full screen. Otherwise you will assume its very bad, very bad. No, it isn't. Preview does not do the justice at all.

After the devs watched it. This thread can be deleted.

Re: Contributing Own Wallpaper Graphics

Reply #1
Here's the Artix logo in black. Also I'd recommend dithering to make the bands in the gradient less pronounced. Specifically in the first two styles.

Re: Contributing Own Wallpaper Graphics

Reply #2
Some preliminary rendering screenshots:

I also hve other ones. I think, 3 most subtle would be the most appropriate for Artix.

Re: Contributing Own Wallpaper Graphics

Reply #3
Pretty nice.  At first glance I like bottom-right, top-right, and top-middle.

Do you have a way to tweak those a bit to maybe not fade out to black quite so much, like put the "black" outside of the frame of the image, waaaay outside maybe.  Though that would make the transition way too subtle maybe, I was thinking just transition to a point at a certain rate then after that slow down the fade out so there's more of a blue background rather than "four black corners" (bottom-left I think is the biggest offender of that).

Looks good though, nice to see people being creative with branding of things I enjoy and appreciate :D

Re: Contributing Own Wallpaper Graphics

Reply #4

1. Wallpaper Files Creation:
a) 2560x1440;
b) 16bit PNGs;
c) 4 files
Made in GIMP.

2. High Quality Scaling for 1920x1080:
a) centered versions = canvas in GIMP without lossy recompression;
b) scaled versions = sinc functions (i.e. lanczos tuned with 4 lobes), courtesy of Graphics Magick.

3. High Quality Compression Tuned for Quality to Specifically Suite Dark Pictures:
Encoder: AV1, Alliance for Open Media*
a) tuned for highest bit depth allowed;
b) tuned for sharp yuv444 conversion;
c) tuned for being biased towards sharpness;
d) tuned for high color quality;
e) tuned with adaptive quantization (complexity mode);
f) tuned with delta quantization in chroma planes;
g) tuned for ssim;
h) highest (slowest) compression method.

4. After compression the results for the 12 files are as follow:
$ ls -lhs
80 MB --> 4.2 MB
45 MB --> 2.6 MB
65 MB --> 2.3 MB
190MB ÷ 9.1MB ≈ 21x

*RAV1e is also very good (and very rarely, if any, better), but it's significantly slower at "-s 0".

P.S. See also this four-part video about jpg compression and its flaws [you may want to jump straight to video No 4] :
1.  [your_favoriutie_invidious/piped_instance]watch?v=n_uNPbdenRs
2.  [your_favoriutie_invidious/piped_instance]watch?v=LFXN9PiOGtY
2. [your_favoriutie_invidious/piped_instance]watch?v=Q2aEzeMDHMA
4. [your_favoriutie_invidious/piped_instance]watch?v=yBX8GFqt6GA **

** unlike jpeg, more modern compressions, for example cwebp (vp9), have various preset, for example, for mentioned in the video (they all suffer it) problematic text compression:
$ cwebp -mt -preset text -m 6 'intput.png' -o 'output.webp'
The reason, I'm mentioning this, is that people think that jpeg (and any other lossy phtoto compression of a text screenshot) is the same as a text in a pdf and if you search "google" you will get huge amount of "how to convert jpeg to pdf". Jesus! What are those generations of kid learn in school?

Tip for KDE users:
- If you're installing KDE from scratch (netinstall) make sure you have kimageformats installed (should be already there when you had installed KDE metapackage);
- For unified look the set up in KDE consist of 3 stages**:
a) wallpaper,
b) lock screen,
c) login/sddm.

**On a side note: since SDDM is now part of KDE, maybe we should propose, to Nate Graham, that all of these three settings should be unified (one place, one click).

Preview (definitely worth seeing) of how the wallpapers will look directly and elegant in KDE:  '
    password: ArtixWallpapers1234

1. 2560x1440 [full]:  '
2. 1920x1080 [centered]:  '
3. 1920x1080 [scaled, looks as in full]:

password: ArtixWallpapers1234

Checksums [double space, ready to save directly to .sha512]***:

*** I thik it's Clement L. from Mint, who puts a "*" between the checksum and the file (...). No comment.

Re: Contributing Own Wallpaper Graphics

Reply #5
The files have been deleted, can you re-upload to a less el-cheapo image hosting server?