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Topic: SDDM Setting Spans Proces That Uses Whole CPU and Doesn't Work (Read 234 times) previous topic - next topic
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SDDM Setting Spans Proces That Uses Whole CPU and Doesn't Work

Trying to change login background in SDSM doesn't work. Clicking tiny button (wallpaper/background) in SDDM settings, makes CPU Fan go C R A Z Y and nothing happens. What is going on? Total broken and unusable. Why changing a simple walpaper/background would not work and eat CPU like a whale?

Re: SDDM Setting Spans Proces That Uses Whole CPU and Doesn't Work

Reply #1
Why changing a simple walpaper/background would not work and eat CPU like a whale?

Have you read the Arch Linux wiki, specifically the section dedicated to SDDM theme?

Personally, I've never had this problem...