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Topic: rsync:// seems down last tries 19h16 cet (Read 532 times) previous topic - next topic
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rsync:// seems down last tries 19h16 cet

Good evening,

The server
Code: [Select]
doesn't seem to work since 13h CET


Re: rsync:// seems down last tries 19h16 cet

Reply #1
i think you have a network issue. from my server i can rsync to without issue.
and according to the rsync logs of my mirror, there was no issue connecting to it today.

Re: rsync:// seems down last tries 19h16 cet

Reply #2

Ok strange, because my script in case of error goes to another server (rsync:// and then it works.

I'll take a closer look.


Re: rsync:// seems down last tries 19h16 cet

Reply #3

I've had the error below for the past few hours with this server, so I'm not sure why I'm looking for it. On the other hand, it's new and without changes on my side.

Code: [Select]
IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion
sent 53,383 bytes  received 71,382,068 bytes  1,074,217.31 bytes/sec
total size is 33,497,468,215  speedup is 468.92
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1861) [generator=3.2.7]

Re: rsync:// seems down last tries 19h16 cet

Reply #4
Finally I think I've identified the problems.

The synchronization was done with the server
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but with errors, my synchro. script waits for an exit code 0 otherwise it tries with another server and send a notification.
The errors are probably due to a change in the source server's access rights.
Code: [Select]
rsync: send_files failed to open "/galaxy-goblins/os/x86_64/octopi-notifier-frameworks-0.15.0-14-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst" (in artix-linux): Permission denied (13)
Secondly, I think the wiki's rsync command recommendation is not ideal
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rsync -auvPH --delete-after rsync:// /path/to/artix-linux

-a preserves the group and owner, which doesn't exist on my system, so I've modified the rsync command  accordingly

Re: rsync:// seems down last tries 19h16 cet

Reply #5
indeed, now i see the details of the rsync transaction, i also have the same error
Code: [Select]
rsync: send_files failed to open "/galaxy-goblins/os/x86_64/octopi-notifier-frameworks-0.15.0-14-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst" (in artix-linux): Permission denied (13)
thanks for seeing it.

Re: rsync:// seems down last tries 19h16 cet

Reply #6
@Dju Thank you for taking the time to confirm. I don't know who's in charge of this server, could be @nous