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Topic: [SOLVED] No sound in openrc base install (Read 271 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] No sound in openrc base install

I recently completed an installation of artix-linux-x86_64-base-openrc and although things are going swimmingly, there are a few things that I have yet to figure out. I will thusly be dividing my post into three posts.

This post will be specifically concerning pipewire, and ALSA.

I have exhausted the search results on the internet and it seems that no one else has had this issue. I feel like I'm missing something that is common knowledge among the rest of you.

Assuming I have installed no packages and edited no files, what must I do to have sound on my computer?

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to respond! That is all thank you!

Re: No sound in openrc base install

Reply #1
You need to run pipewire, and also install and run wireplumber.  Then you should be good.

Make a script to launch them at startup and good to go.

I use pipewire-pulse as well, although I don't know if that's necessary.

Re: No sound in openrc base install

Reply #2

I have been using alsa only for several years.
I removed all pulse packets except libpulse and libcanberra.

I use alsa and the nice and very practical qastools mixer on different pc:,4318.msg27848.html#msg27848

Note: I don't play games and don't use wine or steam.
But I have sound in all my apps.

Re: No sound in openrc base install

Reply #3

So I realized that my folly previously had been the manner in which I was attempting to start pipewire and wireplumber.

I was using the "&&" operator in  a one liner. Consequentially wireplumber would not start.

I considered the possibility that I needed to do additional configuration, although I guess the programs were smarter than I knew.

I recently tried running the programs in separate terminals, and this gave me audio!
I will need to tune the pipewire / wireplumber. Although, I can change the volume and it does work!

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. I will mark this post as solved.