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data visualization

Let me ask here, since there are many very smart people here.

I am reviewing matrix arithmetic and linear algebra and I am struggling with gnuplot to visualize 3d planar geometry and it just doesn't work well.  Any suggestions for a different tool or a hint on how to make gnuplot take and map equations like 3x-2y+5z = 13, 2x -14y -3z = 6, and 5x+8y-12z=144

And to quickly plot them to see what they look like and how they intersect?

Re: data visualization

Reply #2
Solve for z and use splot: splot (3*x-2*y-13)/-5, + (2*x-14*y-6)/3, + (5*x+8*y-144)/12

that is too tedious.  I want to visualize all the planes as one manipulates a matrix of equations as one adds them and subtracts them when solving simultaneous equations..   I am surprised this  is so hard in 2024..

Re: data visualization

Reply #4
Any suggestions for a different tool
What about octave? IIRC it should be closer to systems like wolfram

I haven't used wolffram yet.  I was looking at it yesterday and I couldn't get it to make two planes on the same graph.  I sort of then decided to post this message.  I will try octave.  For years I have been trying to understand linear algebra and vector math. I can curse Gilbert  Strang.  I can't understand a thing he does.