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Topic: Various settings and files reset after power off. (Read 278 times) previous topic - next topic
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Various settings and files reset after power off.


I don't really know what to call it other than some settings reset after power off. I noticed that:

- My audio levels keep resetting after reboot or power off, I use pulseaudio, couldn't move to pipewire, as suggested in my previous post, but because of some issues, I decided to stick to pulseaudio for now, might change later.

- More importantly my aliases keep resetting. I made an alias for vscodium from flatpack
Code: [Select]
alias vsc='flatpak run com.vscodium.codium'
, but today it didn't work and ls returned
Code: [Select]
alias grep='grep --colour=auto'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
this alias stays until restart, do I have to use some option for it to keep it after reboot?

- Also after installing vscodium, default folder viewer switched to it, so I changed file '/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache' from
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
and it works for now, but randomly after power off it doesn't, can't really reproduce and maybe was just a one time thing.

- Activities search. I always thought it 'learns' so when i type in 'ter' or 't' it would always open terminal, but after resetting it just shows apps in alphabetical order. Not really an issue, just QoL.

With that being said, is there a possible fix? I think this might also be an issue for why my audio keeps resetting. For now those are issues I remember, there might be more, but for now, these are ones I remember

Re: Various settings and files reset after power off.

Reply #1
what shell do you use?
pls share the file that sets up the aliases

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons

Re: Various settings and files reset after power off.

Reply #2
I'm using console built in gnome, and for aliases I used command 'alias vsc='flatpak run com.vscodium.codium''
Also, in first post I used 'ls', It was meant to be 'alias' and after restart output is:
Code: [Select]
alias grep='grep --colour=auto'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'


Re: Various settings and files reset after power off.

Reply #3
Depending on the shell you use, you will have to store the aliases as documented here

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons