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Topic: Why does systemd exist? (Read 1251 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Why does systemd exist?

Reply #15
Because R*d H*t is a company motivated by profit and simplicity and stability does not sell, so they kept bloating up Linux to create bugs and security vulnerabilities so they could sell their services.
Being that not enough, they decided to create soystemd, and they had to, because at this point they have bloated Linux enough with so many services at boot that the argument of parallel service start became logically sound. With soystemd they got plenty of bugs and security issues to keep selling support for years, again.
Now the commercialization of Linux is complete, with p*ettering working at micr*s*ft. I'm surprised that R*d H*t is not a subsidiary of Microshit yet.
Embrace, extend and extinguish.

Re: Why does systemd exist?

Reply #16
Because R*d H*t is a company motivated by profit and simplicity and stability does not sell, so they kept bloating up Linux to create bugs and security vulnerabilities so they could sell their services.
Freedom as a Service!