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Topic: Sound muted on bootup (Solved) (Read 180 times) previous topic - next topic
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Sound muted on bootup (Solved)

I searched the forum and have not found any solution to the muted volume control on every boot. I had to unmute and raise the volume and all is well. Some thread suggested alsamixer but the command always return:

Code: [Select]
artix ~ > alsamixer
bash: alsamixer: command not found

I'm sure there is a way to set the sound volume. Any help is appreciated.

Re: Sound muted on bootup

Reply #1

The alsamixer executable is part of the "alsa-utils" package, is it installed?

Also is the "alsasound" (should be part of "alsa-utils-openrc") service active (check "rc-status" from root) and in the "boot" runlevel? (I'm assuming OpenRC), if I recall correctly, it saves and restores volumes.

Re: Sound muted on bootup

Reply #2

I have been using alsa only for several years.
I removed all pulse packets except libpulse and libcanberra.

I use alsa and the nice and very practical qastools mixer on different pc:,4318.msg27848.html#msg27848

Note: I don't play games and don't use wine or steam.
But I have sound in all my apps.

Re: Sound muted on bootup

Reply #3
No, it wasn't installed unfortunately. I installed alsa-utils and launch alsamixer, reboted and I audio volume is now unmuted.

In my previous distro (which I am still using on another desktop), I never really had to deal with any sound issues.

I am glad for your assistance. I also did an alsactl --help to see what else I could pick up.