libsystemd-dummy does not provide all include file (dummies).
First, many thanks (again) for the people making this Artix-thing working.
For your information:
It seems that the Artix packages systemd-dummy and libsystemd-dummy are not a sufficient drop-in replacement to make software requiring systemd present to work.
In this case it is a compile issue:
The AUR-package fusedav-git requires systemd. First I had to manually specify where it finds systemd libs and include dirs since pkg-config --libs libsystemd does not work.
After doing so, compilation fails with
log.h:21:10: fatal error: systemd/sd-journal.h: No such file or directory
Searching on my system, there is no file sd-journal.h.
Any suggestion? Could it be integrated in libsystemd-dummy, or should I try to get the include files from the proper systemd-sources?
First, since libsystemd-dummy states that it provides libsystemd, I assumed drop-in replacement (not functionality-wise, but to make any software think the functionality is there), and it also formally satisfies the dependencies and makedependencies on libsystemd (which made me assume that also builds will succeed).