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Topic: Is seatd wayland only? (Read 261 times) previous topic - next topic
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Is seatd wayland only?

Does seatd also work for x11.
I'm using dwm.

Am i missing out on any important features that elogind provides?
I only use dwm with mostly terminal based applications like vim, vifm.

Re: Is seatd wayland only?

Reply #1
The seatd daemon helps manage access to shared system devices for non-root users in compositors; this includes graphics cards. For traditional X11 managers, seatd is not needed, such as both Plasma and GNOME, but for the Wayland compositors discussed here, it will need enabled on the system and be running before starting a compositor environment.
It seems that it is for wayland only.

If you are using dwm you do not need elogind.
I am using bspwm without it.

Re: Is seatd wayland only?

Reply #2
I was using seatd on x11 it turns out that it's almost pointless.
In fact it's useful only to fulfill init-logind requirement:
Code: [Select]
pacman -R seatd-dinit
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing seatd-dinit breaks dependency 'init-logind' required by artix-archlinux-support
:: removing seatd-dinit breaks dependency 'init-logind' required by base

I disabled the services but something starts it so I edited logind:
Code: [Select]
cat /etc/dinit.d/logind 
type       = internal
before     =

I think that the developers should allow no elogind/seatd for example like in this case for dwm.

Re: Is seatd wayland only?

Reply #3
Seatd is primarily designed for Wayland, so it doesn't really support X11 natively. If you’re using DWM with terminal apps, you might not miss much from elogind, but it does offer some session management features that could be handy if you ever decide to expand your setup.