Migration Plan plus Identifying Missing Packages
I'm working on Artix using a spare system. The plan is to build it as time is available, then, if I decide to make it my main system, move the SSD into the main system, fix up fstab and users/groups, and it should be all good. (I'm far enough along that I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick with Artix.)
The main system has /home on its own partition, plus additional drives / partitions for things such as music and video, an archive area for old stuff I think I might want to reference ( things in /etc, Apache configs, dusty remnants of systems gone by...), and likely other things I've forgotten about.
The only thing I can think of as maybe breaking would be newer versions of software barfing on old versions of config files and possibly things in ~/.cache, but I can solve that, I think, by deleting those files if needed.
The other part of the plan is identifying packages from the Ubuntu system which I want to install. I thought I had a plan for that, but it turned out to be wrong. I have a list of installed packages. I figured I could automate filtering this using commands adapted from the Arch wiki Pacman Tips and Tricks, section 2.18.
installed_packages.txt is the list of stuff on my Ubuntu system, pruned somewhat using grep to remove libraries.
export LC_COLLATE='C'
pacman -Qq | sort > artix_in.txt
comm -13 artix_in.txt installed_packages.txt | sort > not_installed.txt
cat not_installed.txt | xargs -n 1 pamac search -arq | sort > available.txt
comm -23 not_installed.txt available.txt
That resulted in a huge list of packages in available.txt (around 14,000 lines). Possibly, I'm mis-using the comm command, which wouldn't surprise me. (I sometimes get things flipped around. If I were to stick this stuff in a relational database, the SQL for a list as input to pamac search would be super easy for me - though the end result might still be unmanageable.)
Any comments on things I should watch out for?
Any ideas on automating a list of missing things? (Obviously, stuff like dpkg won't be there.) The end result should be a usable list of packages I can install from the repos/AUR, and list of packages that aren't available. installed_packages.txt is 1520 lines. I can try writing a quickie Perl script, for example. It'd be nice if there were something already available that'd work.