rc-update: 'office is not a valid runlevel' 26 January 2025, 21:32:13 Hi, not new to Linux really like pacman and wanted something more minimal than Manjaro. fairly new to init, played with runit a few months back and had fun, defintely a learning curve....read that openrc was a bit more documented though so here I am. I am going off the wiki trying to get ssh to work but I am stuck on this step # rc-update add sshd.eth0 default # rc-update add sshd.wlan0 office # rc-update add net.eth0 default office # rc-update add net.wlan0 default officerc-update add sshd.wlan0 office * rc-update: `office' is not a valid runlevelAm I supposed to set this runlevel up myself? Thank you in advance.Edit: Also I don't have this file /etc/conf.d/net.office, Rereading I'm guessing that's what I'm supposed to do, just would like a confirmation. Last Edit: 26 January 2025, 21:43:48 by zeitlos