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Topic: [SOLVED] How do I get audio working on my ThinkPad (Read 176 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] How do I get audio working on my ThinkPad

I'm having issues getting audio working on my laptop. I can't figure out how to get it working. This is a fresh install of Artix on Dinit and I'm just confused as the wiki kinda sucks. Can someone help me get sound working? Thanks!

EDIT: nevermind.
EDIT 2: nevermind, i still need help :(
EDIT 3: don't bother with pipewire. Just do pulseaudio.

Install PulseAudio.
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]

Re: How do I get audio working on my ThinkPad

Reply #1
pipewire exits with status 254 when I try starting it via Dinit.

Re: How do I get audio working on my ThinkPad

Reply #2
you can mark as solved. you could share what the fix was.

Re: How do I get audio working on my ThinkPad

Reply #3
It's not solved, I found something online and I thought it would fix it but it didn't :sigh:

Re: How do I get audio working on my ThinkPad

Reply #4
how are you running pipewire?
where did you have an issue in the wiki?

Code: [Select]
sudo dinitctl list 

Re: How do I get audio working on my ThinkPad

Reply #5
Oh, it magically got fixed by me installing PulseAudio instead of Pipewire. Thanks for initiating the magical fix by trying to help.

Re: [SOLVED] How do I get audio working on my ThinkPad

Reply #6
Oh, it magically got fixed by me installing PulseAudio instead of Pipewire.


This is due to that because PulseAudio will automatically start when needed. For Pipewire, you can use your DE (or wm) autostarting mechanism.


Re: [SOLVED] How do I get audio working on my ThinkPad

Reply #7
like the wiki says
Code: [Select]
 dinitctl enable pipewire
 dinitctl enable pipewire-pulse
 dinitctl enable wireplumber