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Topic: eso on intel 630 graphics (Read 3130 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #15
oh and so i copied my setting folder from windows after installing adrenaline for the game and it get 97-100 fps on proton 9.  very nice.

the 705 machine hasnt arrived.  it got delayed in maryland and now that a storm is coming i might not see that for two more days.
Cat Herders of Linux


Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #17
There are m.2 extender cables, that let you ribbon cable to the drive.
Something like this.
Not sure what I'd do with that.   I don't want the nvme drive in their loose when I can just buy a 2230 nvme drive.  There's a spot for it to screw down on a post.

The 705 machine still hasn't arrived.  It's looking to be at least 2 days late and with the snow coming it'll likely be more.  Just nuts.
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #20
There are m.2 extender cables, that let you ribbon cable to the drive.
Something like this.
Not sure what I'd do with that.   I don't want the nvme drive in their loose when I can just buy a 2230 nvme drive. 
I thought you already had two  2280 m.2 nvmes. You can tape down the drive inside. It does not really need the screw. many new machines have a plastic pin for the drive hole to sit on. the pin has a slight wider ring to give a bit of friction moving on and off.
It seems you already have a plan.

tell me how that 705 works. Have a friend that needs a cheap machine. nous already said its a beast, so just waiting to pull trigger.

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #21

Not sure what I'd do with that.  I don't want the nvme drive in their loose when I can just buy a 2230 nvme drive. 
I thought you already had two  2280 m.2 nvmes. You can tape down the drive inside. It does not really need the screw. many new machines have a plastic pin for the drive hole to sit on. the pin has a slight wider ring to give a bit of friction moving on and off.
It seems you already have a plan.

tell me how that 705 works. Have a friend that needs a cheap machine. nous already said its a beast, so just waiting to pull trigger.
in truth i have 3 2280 nvmes and a hdd 2.5 inch and two enclosures with usb 3.2 adapters
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #22
Also having played on the desktop 2400g processor previously I can tell you for my use case it was pretty good.  When I upgraded to a desktop Rx 580 when they first came out I got more fps and a larger viewing distance in ESO. Even this 560 is a nice little bump up but I expect the 2400ge to do very well.
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #23
Mr Amal from the post office delivered my package today.  he had to knock on the door and as usual i answered the door not knowing whos there because i'm considerate like that.  Thank you Mr Amal!

So the device 705 works.  it came with no cpu cooler fan, the hdd caddy was unscrewed and floating around with it were two screws, i assume for mounting it.  the hdd ribbon cable wasbn't plugedinto the mb and the screw holding it to the hdd caddy are nowhere to be found.  But it does work.  I borrowed the cooler fan from the 800 just to be sure the device works.  it came with one 4gb stick of ram.  But ir does work.  I have the 32 gb ram to put in it so there's that.
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #24
Was it supposed to not have a cooling fan?

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #25
They kept making me an offer to sell me one without a cooling fan for 50$ and I told them no repeatedly.  They sent me that one anyway.  I kept asking for the one I ordered with the cooling fan and the HDD caddy and the Bluetooth Wi-Fi card for 65$. They say the will refund my money.  We will see if that happens.

the machine works.  i dont know why they dont just offer to send me the missing part.  Using the 4 gb single stick of ram it got 65- ish fps in eso  my intel machine with rx 560 gets about 95-100 fps.
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #27
The machine works but I can't use it without the missing fan.  One is on order.  I hope they don't flake out on me.
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #28
so you got the 705 for 12.50? Good deal! plus ram. will it take 64GB?

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #29
so you got the 705 for 12.50? Good deal! plus ram. will it take 64GB?

I got 32 gb kit - the max it will take - for like 42$ wirh tax.  Though the whole machine sits unused waiting the part .  Maybe by the end of next week i get to use it?  i have bought a 20 ft hdmi cable so that i can have a triple monitor setup for it.  I have an old 19 inch 1280x1024 monitor in portrait mode for documents and an old 17 inch the same resolution in landscape mode on a dual monitor desktop arm thingy and the third display out goes to mt 43 inch 1080p tv so i can watch youtube videos and the like on librewolf.   The cats like the 12 hrs of birds and i like my sermons without inappropriate commercials for things i would never buy such as i often get on the roku.
Cat Herders of Linux