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Topic: eso on intel 630 graphics (Read 3075 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #30
Well it turns out the 705 is dead.   I had it tuned off but plugged in and I see that the power button flashes red 5 times and white 2 times but I have no idea what that means
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #31

The red LED blinks to represent the major error category (long blinks). The white LED blinks to represent the
minor error category (short blinks). For example, ‘3.5’ indicates 3 long red blinks and 5 short white blinks to
communicate the processor is not detected.

5.2 The embedded controller cannot find valid firmware.

p120 might help fixing it.
this is a usb tool that is supposed to help.

This is the list of things to do for 5.2
1 Remove any recently inserted Hardware.
2 Reset CMOS.
3 Update BIOS while affected components are removed.
4 Test known good component.
5 Replace component or Main-Board as needed.

And a dead cmos/rtc battery can, apparently, do this.

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #32
i did update the firmware with the help of windows update.  it rebooted a number of time and i assumed when it booted back into windows that all was good and shut it off gave the fan back to the 800 g4 and was waiting for it before restarting the machine.  i dont know what i can do when there's no firmware found and i cant boot to bios.  i did go to their help pages. and i didnt find everything you did.   thank you for thast.  much appreciated!
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #33
i swapped out the cmos battery from my 800 machine and got the same error
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #34
so, cmos battery you think, or fan removal triggered it?

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #35
I think I don't know. It was working when I shut it off and now it doesn't boot.  I have no idea how to update the bios on a system that doesn't boot.  I mean i plug it in and it gives me an error even before i can boot it just with it plugged in.  Whats to do with that?  clearing cmos via the button on the mb has accomplished nothing.
Cat Herders of Linux


Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #36
The manual says you make a usb with HP software and it will boot to that

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #37
The manual says you make a usb with HP software and it will boot to that
which usb?  it doesnt boot now hows it going to boot to a usb drive when it doesnt boot at all?  i copied that to a usb and it does nothing but the incessant blinking

Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #38
You need to run that exe on a machine, probably in wine or windows, and it will make format a usb drive so the  machine can boot from it and diagnose the issue... hopefully.

Have you removed any hardware you added? like drives...

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #39
Trying to get any windows names to boot from my USB enclosures. Got win 10 on one and 11 on another

Then maybe I can't try that usb
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #40
I finished resetting my windows 10 nvme. What did it install?????   Windows 11?  Nope my bad windows 10
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #41
The instructions say to power it on with the USB in it but it won't power on it sits there and beeps once I plug it in.  If it powered on I wouldn't need the stupid fix that doesn't work .  Hours more time wasted with this nonsense.  Ugh!  I hate windows.  I think windows did this to my machine
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #42
if it is still flashing 5.2 then it cannot find a good bios. the hp exe is supposed to write that to the usb to enable booting.

Is it still flashing 5.2?

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #44
yes it does write something but its only for more recent machines.  then you have to copy the bioses from the other years of older machines to that same usb and i did that and i put in the root folder of that usb and still it does nothing.  i assume my machine is from 2018-2019 so i copied those over.
Cat Herders of Linux