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Topic: Can someone help me convert an OpenRC/SystemD service to a Dinit service? (Read 228 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can someone help me convert an OpenRC/SystemD service to a Dinit service?

I don't know how to write Dinit services and I looked online and found nothing that could help me, can someone help me convert these services to a Dinit service? Thanks!


Re: Can someone help me convert an OpenRC/SystemD service to a Dinit service?

Reply #1

Please check this

Re: Can someone help me convert an OpenRC/SystemD service to a Dinit service?

Reply #3
If whatever this ir-emitter is, is failing to work after returning from suspend a script in /etc/elogind/system-sleep/ should in theory allow you to start it again.

I say in theory because I've never done it. I just know it's supposed to work.

You'd want post) not pre(