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Re: Elon on cobol

Reply #15
Except that is not what he said, right? Elon said PEOPLE over 115 are getting benefits. Not the surviving spouses or children.
In this case it's great-grandchidren.

Elon is a liar. He posts an obviously wrong set of numbers in a spread sheet and his cult goes nuts.
No proof. No evidence. Just a obviously stupid list.
"According to the Social Security database, these are the numbers of people in each age bucket with the death field set to FALSE! Maybe Twilight is real and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security"
Death field set to false? in cobol?
It is a zero. He is a script kiddy, who knows nothing about everything, and less about the system he is lying about.
Elon always shows he has zero technical skill in any field. Prove me wrong.
Literally not one single person over 114 had been paid a dime since 2014.
Elon has no proof otherwise. If he did he would post it.
He claims stupid shit and his NAZI cult lap it up.
His obsession with the 14 words is all you need to know. That is enough to knee jerk him to the balls.
You sound obsessed.

You don't like knee jerking? But sig heils are just fine?
What kind of deranged people raise their arms expressively or excitedly?

Very dishonest to post stills like that.
HP Z640 - 72 x Intel Xeon E5-2699 v3 @ 2.30GHz, 128 GiB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro K2200

Re: Elon on cobol

Reply #16
well i'm 57 1/2 years old and when i have lived another 57 1/2 years i'll be able to prove beyond any doubt whether or not my social security auto shuts off at 115.  And given my much success in having lived 57 1/2 years once, i have proven my ability to do it and i have every confidence i can do that twice!  so there.
Cat Herders of Linux


Re: Elon on cobol

Reply #19
HP Z640 - 72 x Intel Xeon E5-2699 v3 @ 2.30GHz, 128 GiB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro K2200